Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Just Ignore Me Singing Really Off Key To Some Destiny's Child Right Now...

"All The Ladies Who Trullly Feeel Me...Girl, I didn't know you could get down like that...."

Okay. I'm done singing.... For now.

It's funny how  you are one playlist away from a fantastic mood. I have to thank Spotify & HelloGiggles for my current high. If you do not have Spotify yet, get with the times and download it. One of the best decisions of my life. It's up there with not getting rid of my old Nintendo and owning more than one pillow pet.  I'm constantly finding new song loves just from a few simple clicks. Oh, and HelloGiggles is one of the best websites on this big wide interweb. My goal is to eventually get a blog post worthy of being on HelloGiggles. Not only good for my daily dose of interweb reading, they also have a keen eye for good music. Discovering this, I have discovered the "HelloGiggles Mixtape" on Spotify. Two of my favorite worlds combined into one. The playlist has everything from Death Cab for Cutie to Kelly Clarkson. This playlist should become any lady's guilty pleasure.

& since music is the only thing on my mind currently.... Here are my favorite 5 picks from the "HelloGiggles Mixtape" playlist in no particular order.
  1. "Better than Revenge" by Taylor Swift : ....This song. Let's say it is one that really never gets old. We have all had a situation where we have had to deal with "one of those girls". They have everything you want, but that is never enough. They want what you have and will do anything to get it. My favorite line being: "She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress." Why's it my favorite you ask? Taylor Swift sings a song about a whore, but keeps her composure and stays lady-like. Lady-like behavior is always an A++ in my book.
  2. Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by Nine Days: I honestly had no idea this song was actually entitled "Absolutely" until this playlist. Thank goodness I am corrected. This song is great for anybody. Male, Female, Dog, Centaur, Transformer, etc. We all know almost every word to it. When I was younger, my mother and I would go on walks around the square of our town. This song in particular reminds me of what's now known as the Art's Center. My mom and I have always been big fans of breaking out in random song. She would always ask me to sing the song about the girl. I would bust out my Tiger Pride choir skills, as I ran my hand across the smooth brick building every single time we strolled past. That poor girl cried a lot of rivers.
  3. "She Doesn't Get It" by The Format: If you have no idea who The Format are, then get off your butt and start looking them up. Immediately you will notice that the singer sounds a lot like that guy from Fun. Hate to be Captain Obvious, but that's because he kind of is. This was Nathan Reuss's band prior to Fun. The Format music is a different level of listening. Much more raw and emotional, The Format is a great listen for when you just need to feel sad for a little while. This song in particular is a little more upbeat and is still good for an impromptu session of dancing around your bedroom, hairbrush microphone in hand, while not wearing any pants.
  4. "No Scrubs" by TLC: ... Fun fact about this song: I used to be obsessed with it in elementary school- so obsessed that I would walk around the playground singing it. It's fine, it's whatever. I mean I have only been kind of a big deal for awhile. This reason is obviously the main backing of it being in my top five, other than the more obvious fact that it is absolutely one of the greatest songs ever created.
  5. "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove: I am simply obsessed with this song. It makes me happy and makes me want to dance. Anytime. Anywhere. This song equals my feet moving. I secretly picture myself frolicking through a country field with all my good friends, wine bottles in our hands, and smiles on our faces. But in my vision some of my good friends include Zooey Deschanel, the creatures from "Where the Wild Things Are" , the Kardashian's, Benya Benya Pollywog, One Direction, Ryan Locthe while he is wearing a shirt saying "Frolicking #Jeah", and Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Honorable Mentions: "Fly" by Sugar Ray, "Diet Mt. Dew" by Lana Del Rey, "Can't Stand It" by NeverShoutNever,  "I'd Rather Be With You" by Joshua Radin, "Bitches Ain't Shit" by Ben Folds, "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant, "Daylight" by Matt & Kim, "New Perspective" by Panic at the Disco & the rest of the playlist.

& being in the girly mood I am, the only suitable way to sign off is with a quote from one of my favorite movies, "Mean Girls".

Taylor Zimmermann, two for you. Glenn Coco? FOUR for you, Glenn Coco! You go, Glenn Coco. And uh... "Caddy" Heron. Do we have a "Caddy" Heron here? One for you... And none for Gretchen Wieners, bye.

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Liz Jacobus (playlist creator) is definitely the Glen Coco of tonight's blog post. SHE DESERVES ALL THE CANDY CANES.

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