
23 years young- while I've been in college for five years, I still only have my Associate of the Arts degree. From switching majors to some health issues, my college journey is a novel within itself. I am currently studying at Penn State World Campus working towards my Bachelor's in Strategic Communications. I'm more than a little bit sassy and can kind of sort of use chopsticks- so talented right? 

Oh, and if you want to give me an internship or job or be my fairy god mother, I will not argue at all.

To summarize...

I'm just a young adult, who has no idea where she’s going in life.  I'm scared of nursing homes, funeral homes, and I really don't care for hospitals. I have two tattoos and one is Harry Potter related. Since I was little, I have dreamt of being famous and making a change in this world. But in all reality, I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I could be a firefighter, a model, but I'm really hoping to be a Disney Princess. They seem to live a nice life.

Conquering college, heart-breaks, and this little thing called life, one post at a time!


Hopefully by this point you've figured out 

I'm Simply Shelby Sue.