Monday, August 6, 2012

I'd say I am losing my blogging virginity, but that would be a lie.

I was an avid blogger in middle school.

Being as I just turned 20, that really is further away than I originally thought. 7 years ago, before the blogging sensation the interweb has created, I was writing weekly columns on the happenings at my local middle school. Read by only the coolest people I knew at the time, everyone looked forward to my weekly thoughts on the glorious middle school drama. From new relationships to weekly dentist appoints, my entries were the closest thing my middle school peers would get to a tabloid. The blogs were entitled none other than "The Llama Logs".

I'll be quite honest. I was a weird child and had quite the strange obsession with Llamas. Remember Carl from Jimmy Neutron? Yeah- if he was a real person, we would have been best friends. I always told my friends that when I graduated high school I planned on buying a pet llama, naming him "Melvin", and riding him down to Argentina to live in Machu Picchu. Sadly, when I graduated high school, I found myself going to a four year university and I'm llama-less.

My middle school self would be ashamed of what I have become. Being once obsessed with gossip and now more worried about what pays the bills, I realize that have slowly lost any passion my life had left. I know it's kind of pathetic to say my life revolves around the miss-happens of others, but that has been just a tiny bit of myself that has been loss.

So as a tribute to my middle school self (who was way cooler than the person typing to you now), I have decided to relive my glory days of the blogging universe. It's time to shed some new life on the interweb and do something I truly love. & instead of the llama logs, this time I'm just going for being me.

I'm Simply Shelby Sue.

P.s. Carl, if you truly are real, you are my soul mate.

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