Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm Just Really Glad I didn't Discover Fan Girl Emotions Till Age 20.


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We all see them everyday obsessing. To my friends, I'm just like "they are pathetic and weird". To myself, I'm just like "I want to be them in every which way possible".  You girls (and guys. Guys can fan girl too) are some of the most confident people I have encountered in my days of the interweb. You are not ashamed to shout your love for your favorite celebrity. You find it empowering and you strive to be number one. It all starts with a favorite, possibly a retweet on twitter. But then when you reach that ultimate moment when they tweet back. You have won. You have done something that 95% of the interweb population cannot even dream of accomplishing.

& I'm sad to say it, but lately, I have been fangirling so hard, mother-freakers wanna fine me. This shit is kray.

So for this very random and uninformative second blog post, here are the 3 celebrities that I feel are worthy to Fan-Girl in the past few days.

  1. Dylan O'Brien: If you do not know who Dylan is, I am not completely sure we can be friends. Type his name into google and get one look into his beautiful eyes. You are now fan-girling too. Playing the lovely character of Stile's on MTV's "Teen Wolf", he is honestly the only reason I started watching the show....But do not worry MTV, I stayed because it is quality Kickass Monday Night Television. If Dylan is anything like his character Stiles, I swear I would have a million babies for him. That's commitment. Babies are not something to joke about. Oh & he can play the drums. (Ignore me while I drool a little bit more).
  2. Jennifer Lawrence: Okay, so she's technically not a guy. But she is definitely worthy of my number two spot of fan-girling. I literally spent 2 hours on youtube one night simply because I was watching her interviews. She is bold, honest, and frankly, always herself. I like how she says what she wants. Also, she has not been shy about her love for food. I also love food, Jennifer. You can join the ranks with me & Carl in best friendship (see last blog post to understand that reference).
  3. Michael Weisman: I am kind of a Gleek. I love the show for all its quirks and it's constant battle to showcase the underdogs. Being a Gleek, I am also obsessed with all things Glee Project. After tonight's episode, I found myself fan-girling like a maniac. I was ranting and might have thrown my pillow at the television set. Don't worry- the tv is fine, but my pillow is a little mad at me. Michael was my favorite of the cast this season. I'm not sure what it was about him (Let us be honest, it is probably his gorgeous face), but I really connected to him. He was around my age, a Midwest boy, and ultimately a nerd. He is also the inspiration of tonight's blog. Look up his performance of "Brick Full"  and prepare to melt. (Swoon).

    Honorable Mention:
  4. The Rest of the Cast of Teen Wolf: So I obviously have fan-girled about this subject before (see picture below). This cast is soo damn attractive. I have crushes on most all of them. Take Holland Roden. She is a badass. I do not care what you say or think. Have you seen "Lydia After Dark"? Enough said. I hope to channel just a bit of her spunkyness the next time I have a need to be spunky. & Tyler Posey? He was the cute kid from "Maid in Manhattan". How can you not love his face? Oh, and Ian Bohen's resemblance to Paul Rudd just makes him ten times more likeable
 I am done releasing all these emotions on my lovely readers for the night.

 But I honestly  fear we should worry more about fan girls than zombies.

Simply Shelby Sue

<-- Proof of me fan-girlin like a champ


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