Thursday, August 9, 2012

Chigger Bites & Itchy Crevices

Chigger Bites are quite possibly the worst thing to happen to you.

  • You have no way of knowing where they come from- they could be hiding in the field of grass or randomly chilling by a damn tree. Unlike the mosquito you just squashed in your hand, you will never see them. Silent, but deadly.
  • They last for weeks. Currently, I am going on week four of Chigger Bites and it is by far, the worst week yet. You think they are gone and then BAM. They say hello again.
  • THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Every inch of my body is covered in these little freakers poison. Areas I didn't know existed till now.
  • My life consists of itching.
  • Itch creams barely help. My dad recently found a cream made by Benadryl. Mixing it  with an off brand itch spray has been my best solution.
Just thinking about the whole situation gives me the Heebie Jeebies. Do you know how you get a Chigger Bite? Well Let me tell you. These little bugs are actually classified as a type of spider (don't quote me on that, but I'm like 75 percent sure that is correct). Well, they attach to your skin and insert a feeding tube. [I'm currently picturing an evil little devil with 8 legs piercing a straw through my skin].  They then feed from this tube, spreading their chigger juice all over your body. These things are like tiny larvae. Tiny larvae. TINY LARVAE ALL OVER MY BODY RIGHT NOW. TINY LARVAE WITH EIGHT LEGS STICKING A STRAW IN MY SKIN ALL OVER MY BODY.

I feel like the little kid who has lice. Except instead of being socially exiled, I just look like the freak with itching problems.


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