Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to School. Back To School. To Show Daddy I'm Not A Fool.

I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight.

The first day jitters area always there. If your five, six, or twenty years old. 

I start classes at a new school tomorrow. Sure, it's not near as big as the University I was attending, but I'm still nervous. I do not think it will be bad experience; it will just be a different experience. I'm entering an unknown territory. I do not have class room numbers, I do not know the building. I do not know anybody in my classes yet. I feel completely unprepared. I keep going over a checklist of things I need to remember before I leave the house in the morning and know I am definitely going to forget something. These feelings take me back to the elementary school days, when the first day was the biggest day of your life. It was your first impression on the people that you would be stuck in a room with for the rest of the year. It was not like college, where you only see certain people for an hour a day. If you make a bad impression, you can avoid them the rest of the year. Having a decent class reputation in elementary school was the ultimate satisfaction.

So tomorrow, I take with me the 5 Valuable Lessons elementary school taught me about first day impressions:

  1. Have good hair: Whether your hair wants to behave or not, make it. Today is not a day for frizzes and fly aways. Also, do not try that "super cute way to make second day hair look fabulous" that you read about in Seventeen magazine. Today is not the day to experiment. Go with a guaranteed look. Curl it, if you want to look high maintenance. Gel it, if thats your thang. Blow dry, for a simple, yet "you tried" look.
  2. Don't Overdress: I have made this mistake one too many times. You buy a super cute dress and decide to wear it the first day. You think the boys will go "gaga" over you in it. The truth is that dress probably has a under layer of material. That material likes to stick to your legs as you wiggle in your chair. Chances are when you stand up, you could possibly show more than you want. Also, factor in that you have to be in classes for 8 hours. That is a long time to sit in a dress. Did you go with a new high low style? Have fun crossing your legs all day long. I recommend choosing your favorite pair of jeans, favorite comfy t-shirt, and a cute cardigan. Be yourself and be comfortable. Syllabus day can get boring.
  3. Pack a Healthy Lunch: The best way to start a new year is healthy. By creating a routine of healthy lunches, this lifestyle change will be one for the better. You will fall into choosing carrots over potato chips and water over carbonated sodas. By doing this the first day, you will associate it with hopefully good feelings, unless you just have one of those really terrible first days (which let's hope does not happen).
  4. Gum & Mints: NEVER. & I mean never forget to have gum and mints in your backpack. Even if you have excellent dental care, your breath will not smell minty fresh in 3 hours. What if a cute boy sits next to you in Chemistry? You can't create any chemistry with him if your breath doesn't smell like heaven. Do yourself a favor and always make sure you have this essential. If mints and gum are not your thing, try lemon drops or red hots.
  5. Bring a Good Luck Charm: A little extra luck can never hurt. Make sure to have something that makes you feel at home. From a necklace that was your grandma's to a bracelet your best friend got you, a little trinket can make you remember what you are doing this all for. 

Hopefully tomorrow I don't wake up with a frizzy head, craving a greasy hamburger, out of gum, with only a dress to wear and broken locket. 


P.s. Wish me luck!

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