Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year....

It's the most wonderful time of the year, with the teens all
fan girling, and everyone telling you "One Direction's here"
It's the most wonderful time of the year
It's the hap-happiest season of all. With those video greetings and celebrities meetings,. When stars come to brawl,
It's the hap- happiest season of all
There's a red carpet for toasting, Kevin Hart's hosting, And K-Stew's left out of the show. There'll be scary fashion choices, And tales of the glories of VMA's long, long ago.
It's the most wonderful time of the year .
There will be way too much tweeting,And our hearts will be beating, When our celebrity crushes are on our TV,
It's the most wonderful time of the year!


Being a pop culture obsessed, young adult- I live for almost any award show. Award shows and me go together like a like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dong . But the VMA's hold a special place in my heart. Everything about this award show is just great. From fan girling over-load to the insane and somewhat questionable fashion choices, every aspect is more than a little wonderful. Plus it honors the original purpose of MTV here. HELLO. "Music Television". Celebrating the music videos of the year, it honors celebrities for their work in the industry. It recaps all the catchy, overplayed songs that you cannot help, but love. Don't lie- after slinging down 6 shots last Friday night, you attempted to rap Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" and failed quite terribly. And who hasn't been guilty of serenading themselves with a little One Direction?


So for your blogging pleasure, here are my rants and raves from the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards:
  • Pink's performance of "Blow Me One Last Kiss" : Pink is wonderful. She always has been and always will be. Her CD Missundaztood was my first explicit cd I owned; it was a gift from one of my best friends at my fourth grade birthday party. It is still on my list of best birthday presents ever. I cannot even think of one single track that I disliked. I had choreographed routine to the album titled track "Missundaztood"; I really want to attempt to remember it, but right now I'm quite comfortable on my couch. Back to her performance- she didn't over do it. She stood true to Pink. She did her thing and had a hell of a performance. Plus teasing us with "I'm coming out so you better get the party started" did not hurt in the least.
  • Nicki Minaj's Outfit: No one looks good in black tight spandex, with red stripping. Plus adding the glitter.And does she not know yellow hair is associated with Lady Gaga?   Girl, you could do so much better. I prefer her 2011 VMA outfit. Overload of pink, bows, and all things fuzzy, it was much more her.
  •  Andy Samberg and Rashinda Jones : I love them. Excellent partnering choice MTV. Enough said.
  • One Direction: Don't get me wrong, I'm occasionally quite the Directioner, but this is a rant. Sure they looked adorable as ever, their hair was great, and then there is their accents. (Swoon). Here is my rant. Obviously, they have a huge fan base. Pinning them up against every other artist really is not fair. Losing an award, just won't happen or the die hard Directioners will hurt themselves. I just feel like in situations like these that there should be a limit on how many awards you are nominated for. Plus when they are pinning them up against some of my other loves, the pain kills me. I can only handle so much fan-girling emotions.
  • Rebel Wilson: "Who Wants to be the chip in my dip?" ....still laughing. I love you Rebel. If you don't know who Rebel Wilson is by name, you should know her by movie. She play's Kristen Wig's weird roommate in "Bridesmaids". You know the one that get's a free tattoo from a guy in a van? Add her to the list of people that I want to be best friends with.
  • Kevin Hart: By far, one of the best choices for host MTV could have made (much better than Russel Brand). He had the right sense of humor for this type of award show fan base. It was funny for young adults like myself and the pre-teens still laughed. He did an excellent job having a witty comment for any type of viewer. From the Drake & Chris Brown brawl to bringing in some basketball lingo, he couldn't have done better. Well, except for the fact that he sided with K-Stew (Team Rob all the way).
  • Ke$ha: Rant and rave. For some reason, her outfit really bugged me. It just did not seem to fit her. She just looked too classy to be Ke$ha, which I should give her credit for. Being half naked and still looking classy must mean something. Outfit aside, she made my day when she announced her new album. It's about time. I can only get sleazy for so long before I question my morals.
  • 2 Chainz: I did not know who he was until tonight. Just so you all know.
  • Lil Wayne: Only Lil Wayne could pull off Donnie Thornberry styled shorts and still look badass. Even though most of his performance sounded like "bleeep. bleeep. bleeep. bleeep" on my television at home, I'm sure it was fantastic live.
  • Green Day: For some reason, I had no idea Green Day was as old as they are. At least they have aged well. 40 years old and they are still rocking out like they are 20.  Their performance was what the VMA's are about. Simply playing music, not giving a damn, and doing what an artist does best. As Rebecca Black best said, "Partying Partying".
  • Twilight Exclusive Clip: Much anticipated, frankly to see who was presenting. Thank the lord, no K-Stew in sight. Rob Pat, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, and Elizabeth Reaser presented the exclusive clip for the final movie. It's unbelievable that it has come to an end. "Breaking Dawn" was by far my favorite of the three books. The movie, part one, was very disappointing. From talking wolves to terribly dramatic scenes, it failed to impress me. I'm worried the third could possibly be the same. Just from the clip, seeing K-Stew attacking a mountain lion already made me giggle. Here's to hoping the movie is much better than the clip.
  • The FAB 5: Public speaking obviously isn't their best subject. But they have a bunch of gold medals, so I will let it go. I would trade my speech skills just to have a bit of their gymnastic talents any day though. Plus Gabby Douglas totally made Alicia Key's performance tolerable.
  • Rihanna & Katy Perry Hoe-Mance: I guess Hoe-mance is the proper term of a female Bromance; if it is not, well then I'm making it one. Watching the two whisper, giggle, and sing to each other the entire evening just made me miss my best friend.
  • T-Swift's Performance: I loved it. I really like how she incorporated the theme of her music video into her stage performance. Her outfit was simple and not over done. Plus, I love this song. I shamelessly sang along when she asked the audience to. #SorryImNotSorry
Only 365 days till I get to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year again. Thank the lord MTV likes to replay the VMA's a lot of times for my viewing pleasure.

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Since the lack of blogging this past week, look for a new post in the next few days. You keep reading, I'll keep posting.

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