Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coffee House Slam Poetry Night.

I have no life.

While working on an assignment for school and a write-up for a new article for the paper, I lack the extra creativity to post my normal sassy blog tonight.

But since the response lately has been so wonderful, I thought I'd share some personal poetry with you all this evening from my archives. & as all those who write poetry know, poems are always a work in progress and never quite finished.

Poems Written by Me, Isn't that neat? 1,2,3. Look, I'm rhyming.

#4 , Hold the Onions
Greasy aroma filled the air,
as waded up dollar bills
and change filled the pockets
of the impatient herd of wildebeests
waiting to order their #4 no onions,
super-sized with a diet coke.
Sitting in a wobbly chair
I took a bite from my unsatisfying salad.
That’s when I first noticed the king beast.
Eyes on the prize,
Vividly starring down at its prey.
Drip, drop, drip drop.
Slobber dribbled from the beast's chin.
As it licked his lips,
its hands moved to
pick up the delicacy.
A pickle plopped on the dirty table,
as the beast slowly pried its chin open.
The food moving closer each second
to the bottomless cave of decay.
The beast devoured its prey,
Ripping into the imitation carcass as
ketchup began to cover its chin.
In disgust, I quickly got up
and put away my dirtied tray,
leaving the restaurant pondering
the important lesson learned that day.
Never come between a fast food fiend
and their greasy double cheeseburger.

A poem about Grilled Cheese

Is a grilled cheese a paradox? I really want to know.

Technically you don't grill the cheese, you grill the bread you know?

Unless you put the bread in between two slices of cheese, it never touches the pan.

That is if you made it properly and it doesn't overflow.

In fact the bread doesn't even touch the pan, until the butter melts into its core.

Would it better be entitled grilled butter with cheese and toast?

Or bread fried in a pan, with cheese inside, encompassed by butter.

Outlandish or not, the question is asked,

Is grilled cheese a paradox? If only we could know.
The french are much
smaller than the English
you know?

But the pudginess
comes with
both breeds.

Carved in cast iron
or a metal of some sort,
Rupert sits, waiting.

His collar is tarnishing,
while his eyes are reddened,
like that of a town drunkard.

He has been the protector and
guard dog of living rooms
since the late 1800's.

His nose and paws are quite
scratched up from one too
many fights with vacuum cleaners.

Always sitting, staring,
and unlike other bulldogs,
he never drools.

That is what is great
about a guard dog
made of cast iron.

Rupert is always ready to pounce.

& So She Began
She was nothing but,
a broken soul.
Full of high hopes and,
a half emptied flask.

The world was,
But the whispers were,

She gave herself one last listen,
& so she stopped.

At first the silence was,
But over thinking tendencies,
distressed her

She gave herself one last thought,
& so she stopped.

Emotionless she wandered,
With one last swig of,

She dropped the flask,
& so she stopped.

As her hands,
She ran towards,
the light

She felt her soul slowly returning,
& so she began

& as a bonus, here is a poem written in less than 5-minutes before my composition class:


Classtime Mediation

There's a strange serenity
in the silence before class.
Looking past the noisy zips
and slams of notebooks
as students pile into desks.
A click of a pen and
a rip of a notebook's paper
flesh. All encompassed by
the beige and white walls as
the clock ticks.



& so class begins.

Well hopefully tonight's blog does not disappoint. Look forward to a new sassy blog soon.

& for now, I'm just

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Feel free to leave your thoughts in comments section below or don't. It is really whatever you'd like to do. Until next time...

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