Saturday, September 15, 2012

I Owe A lot of My Life Choices to the Olsen Twins

& frankly, I am not ashamed.

    My childhood was the Olsen Twins. Full house, at the time, was fantastic. I could never get enough of it (though now, I find it seriously wrong and have a lot of issues with it). Their movies? BEST THINGS EVER. If you did not watch them, you are a soul sucking demon-Sorry, I'm just very emotional about this subject. These girls were everywhere. Not only in the movie and television industry, but in the fashion and cosmetic industry as well.

    Did you know they had their own line of styling products? I did. I owned the Mary-Kate & Ashley blow dryer. It came with a little booklet on tips to get your hair to look just like theirs. One tip in particular, said "use the cool button, to get your hair soft just like Ashley's". Every time I used my cool button, I picture my hair blowing like Ashley Olsen's and feel just awesome. Oh and did you know they had their own clothing line? It was way better than Miley Cyrus's line. It was also sold in Walmart stores.

    I begged my mom to buy one outfit in particular, which I would wear on my first day at my new school in fifth grade. I needed the power of Mary-Kate & Ashley to give me the confidence I needed to walk into the world of the unknown. What was this fabulous outfit you ask? Though a picture would do it better justice, I walked with sass wearing a white t-shirt with a silhouette of a senorita holding a rose her in mouth. I believe it had rhinestones on it as well. The shirt wasn't enough though. To top the outfit, I wore the matching rosette pants. Yes- I wore jeans, from Walmart, that were covered in red roses. & yes, I felt like a badass all thanks to good ol' Mary-Kate & Ashley.

The Many Badass Things Mary-Kate & Ashley
Taught Me Through Film and Television:

  • To Grandmother's House We Go: This movie was probably only a success because of the twin's sitcom "Full House". This movie enforces the rule I obeyed by my mother's word till the age ten: only ride your bike around the block. You cannot cross the street. You'd think the view would get boring, but with a creative mind you can do wonders. Except in the movie, their bike route also coincided with a bus route (not fair), allowing them to go on the adventure of a lifetime. They eventually get kidnapped and everything, but don't worry; they get to see Grandma eventually!
  • Double Double Toil & Trouble: Just to start off, this is possibly one of my favorite Halloween movies ever. I can't even count on all my hands and toes how many times I've seen it. It is extremely in-depth for a children's film, which is why if you want a synopsis click here. The movie ultimately has a theme of friendship; the two young twins make friends with a gravedigger, a poor man, and even a clown. The movie teaches you not to judge anyone by their outside; also, good prevails over evil Aunt Agithas.
  • It Takes Two: As stated in previous blogs, I don't love easily. It's just not my thang. This movie could be part of the reason. This movie is excellent. It makes me hope that somewhere out there I have an identical twin. It also makes me hope that one day I will have a cool butler that knows everything about me. Besides those cool things, there is also a macaroni and cheese food fight. Plus Kirstie Alley and Deputay Dog (Big Green Reference) are in it. What does this have to do with love? Nothing, yet. This movie has one of my favorite love quotes in it.....[drumroll]  "Can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars, over the fence, World Series kind of love". It reassures me that being picky isn't a bad thing. By living life like Mary-Kate & Ashley, I deserve a love like the biggest achievement in Major League Baseball, which I most certainly do.
  • Billlboard Dad: I always wished one of my friends would have a single parent. I thought it would be so much fun to paint their face on a Billboard. But then there is the whole issue of legality and I don't like breaking laws. Plus with my art skills, people would just wonder who the peanut head looking for ladies was.

    But the movie I've learned from most:

  • You're Invited to Mary Kate & Ashley's: Slumber Party: Hands down, this was the best of the "Your Invited" mini series. It was pretty much a guide to having the best slumber party ever. For quality blogging, I decided to re-watch this, which was the best decision I have made in the past week.
    • I knew the whole intro-song. When ever I get invites on Facebook, I shamelessly sing it: "You're invited! come on we've got a lot to do. You're invited! We're excited and delighted to see you. You're invited! Bring your friends along, Laugh and sing a song." 
    • This series also taught me the importance of RSVP'ing. "If it's up to me, you'll RSVP".
    •  This one also teaches you sweet dance moves. "You gotta take a chance, you gotta dare to dance". I will never be scared to break out my sweet dances moves again- Thanks Mary Kate & Ashley. 
    • Have a brother you don't want? Sell him. 
    • A slumber party isn't complete without playing video games. With lyrics such as "It started out so innocently. A game of skill, a little fantasy. But it's alive now like never before and Toto I don't think we are in control anymore," I don't know why this hit tune didn't receive a Grammy. 
    • After tiring from video games, they tell scary stories. It wouldn't be complete, without another musical number and costume change. Frankly creepy, I remember really wishing I could do such things at my slumber parties. 
    • Order a pizza with nothing on it, then sing the best song of the whole movie. "Gimme Pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A. I want Pizza...  Pasta...Put it in the pizza. Fish sticks...Put it in the pizza.
      Ketchup...Put it in the pizza. Meatloaf...awww Put it in the pizza. Pizza, P-I-Z-Z-A. Gimme pizza. Add some tacos, Ole!"
      That's right. They put everything from the fridge in the pizza and they ATE IT. Epic. Epic. Epic.
    • Late Night Pillow Fight. No slumber party is complete with out it.
    • STAY UP ALL NIGHT. UNTIL THE MORNING LIGHT. WE'RE THROWING THROWING THROWING AN ALL NIGHTER TONIGHT. But they really don't; they fall asleep. They create a song about how fun it'd be to sleep a little bit (how lame is that?).

I'm a little obsessed, but I think it's a healthy obsession. 

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. That's right. A 2 for 1. 2 blogs one night. I must really like you all. & since I like you all even more, here is a link to watch the best movie ever.

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