Monday, April 4, 2016

Shelby Sue's Monday Mood Tunes

Because you all know I love music of all sorts...

 I have decided to give you a peer into my musical knowledge library. Better known as the majority of my brain that is incredibly random. Maybe blogging about my musical loves will help me make some sense of it.

This blog series will end in the ultimate, random and lovely Spotify playlist. So make sure to subscribe! Each Monday I'll add new tunes for you to enjoy!

& knowing me, you will get more than just the tunes I write about because I am sort of a playlist addict. If I stumble upon the perfect tune and it must be on this list, then you will be graced with the gem- no matter the day of the week.

So for the first of hopefully more to come [you know me and my blogging consistency], I present to you...

Shelby Sue's Top 5 Monday Mood Tunes:

  1. "Lost Boy" by Ruth B.

    This one is beautiful. It combines the Disney Princess in all of us with an emotional, raw side. Do you deny the Disney Princess inside you? Nonetheless, give it a listen. The beauty of the simplistic tune had me lost in the first few listens. So, come on and get lost in Neverland just for a few minutes. I promise you won't regret it.
  2.  "Cheating" by Alex & Sierra

    Get used to these two. A lovely duo, with whom I am simply obsessed. Their tunes are quirky, cute, and make me want to dance, cry, and fall in love. I know it is a bit of an oldie [released in 2014].It is such a goodie that I could not leave it out of my first Monday list. Why? Because I listen to it at least every Monday and probably every other day of the week.
  3. "Helplessly" by Tatiana Manaois

    Another sweet tune, with a punch to pack behind its simple front. We have all been there and it is a situation anyone can relate to somehow. I swear I do not only listen to weird chill, coffee house tunes, but everyone's Monday needs a pick me up. This will give you the right dose of "I hate Mondays" with "I can do this" mixed with a little bit of "sugar plum love [whatever that is]."
  4. "Make You Love Me" by Troy Sivan 

    If you have not heard of Troy Sivan yet, you are living under a very sad rock. So get up from under your stone and come up for a breath of beautiful, fresh air. While I adore most of his tunes, this one is one that is particular wonderful. The song has builds, which makes it interesting. But what is particularly great is the back beats intertwined. Take a listen and you will understand what I am saying.

  5. "How I Want Ya" by Hudson Thames ft Hailee Steinfield

    Uhhhhhhhhhh [Tina Belcher voice]. I love this song. To me, it does not get old. I know others will probably disagree, but I do not care. Hudson's raspy voice pairs perfectly with Hailee's. Every time it comes on my playlist, I am automatically in a good mood. Bonus points? It is has all the swagger of cool tunes, without all the cursing. So you can listen to this in front of your mom and grandma and not get flushy, red cheeks of embarrassment. 

So that is it for my first Monday Mood Tunes. The lists will get longer, probably themed depending on my mood, and end in the ultimate result of a completely random, beautiful playlist.

Make sure to subscribe to the playlist below!

Hope all of you have a beautiful Monday!

Simply Shelby Sue

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