Sunday, November 18, 2012

...I just have a lot of emotions.

So I have this little problem...

I kind of have this false reality that one day I am going to be famous or a least be associated with famous people. Right now on twitter, I am followed by 7 verified accounts. That's 3% of my following- so in terms I feel like I am 3% famous. It is moments when I realize that I am 3% famous, that I get a bit of a big head and decided to tweet a bunch because I feel like people care about by obsessive thoughts.
& it just so happens that this realization normally comes around the time of Award Shows.
& tonight they were all amplified by the one. the only.

American Music Awards

I feel so emotionally connected to each award, each performance, each presentation. I hold on to each word said and think about how I could have written a better introductory statement or how  a certain celebrity should have hired a better stylist. Like I said, I have a lot of emotion.

What is the best way to explain my incredible emotions?
Why of course through my live tweeting...

The following are tweets that occurred from my emotions felt during the iconic awards show:


    When Kelly first sang the words "Miss Independent", I melted in happy feelings. No matter how much say "I don't like Kelly Clarkson", you all secretly do. Do not lie. You know when you were in middle school you belted "Breakaway" in the shower. & if you did not, I am really not sure what I think of you or if we could ever be friends.

  • Justin Bieber, pull yo pants up @MTV #AMAs #RealTalk & In other news, I'm not sure how I feel about JBiebs leather tank top; it's distracting me from the beautiful acoustics . #AMAs

    I had serious issues with Justin Bieber all night. First off, anybody that knows me knows that I have fan-girled over Justin Bieber before. The Jelena breakup was one of my many motivations to get back in shape. Those feelings aside,  the AMA's are an awards show; it is a time to look kind of classy. Who's ever idea it was to allow him to wear the pants that are a re-invention of the 90's slacker chic, needs to be fired. Hasn't he ever heard the song "pants on the ground, pants on the ground. looking like a fool with your pants on the ground"? ....Wear a suit or some tailored pants- at least to accept your award. Plus a leather wife beater tank top? That is not attractive. If Justin Bieber had his titles stripped away and dressed like he did tonight, he would just be the creepy punk that hits on you and your girlfriends at the mall. 

  • If Stevie Wonder doesn't make you smile, then you have no soul #AMAs
    Literally, I could not have hand picked a better person to pay tribute to Dick Clark. He literally loves what he does.  I had a sing a long all by myself in my living room. "You can feel all overrrrrrrr. You can feel alll overr people."You can tell his soul was made to make people feel the true beauty of music.
  •  I'm not sure how I feel about 5 males singing an entire chorus in that high of a pitch #AMAs #TheWanted

    I am surpised I have not gotten smack over this tweet from the fan girls of the twitter world. Not that I thought the performance was bad, it was just odd. First off, the boys all have a bit of resemblance to Ricky Martin. Second, they stood on raised platforms in recatanglular shapes; definitely Go Go dancer esque. Third, the chorus seriously sounds like 5 females. Not 5 males. In my opinion, that is not attractive. I like the verses of the songs because they sound like males if that makes up for my dislike of everything else.
  •  Crying inside because @maroon5 & my man @adamlevine didn't win artist of the year #AMAs

    I sometimes question whether Justin Bieber would win as many awards without his "Beliebers".
  • ....Umm be right back, obsessing over @Pink 's abdominal muscles #AMAs

    Words cannot even explain how beautiful this performance was; it literally will be one of my favorite performances of any award show to date. The talent displayed and emotions felt, all while giving an amazing vocal performance- I can't even fathom it all.  I encourage those who have not seen it, to immediately get on youtube and be amazed.
  • @taylorswift13 is looking super pretty tonight & makes me want to buy a gold dress even more #AMAs, @taylorswift13 starting off with my favorite single off her new album #ThisWillBeGood #AMAs & Did I mention how classy @taylorswift13 looks? #AMAs @MTVNews

    Can Taylor swift do no wrong? I mean literally she is fantastic. She is classy. Her stage production was lovely- at least I thought so. I am sucker for grand staircase scenes; I feel as if they just add that extra bit of classy to make a performance superb. & I'm still trying to figure out how her costume quick change went so smoothly.
  • I love when celebrities are genuinely excited for receiving an award. Luke Bryan you make me smile. #AMAs

    Did anybody else notice how precious Luke Bryan looked? By kissing his woman to "raising the roof" on stage, he literally had the emotions of a 5 year old winning a t-ball tournament. It is moments like these that make you realize that celebrities are humans, which is just lovely.

  • The Will Smith flashback might be my favorite part of the night #AMAs
    &  Just kidding- NSYC's flashback tops all of the flashbacks #ChildhoodMemories #AMAs

    Being it was the 40th anniversary, the AMA's had flashbacks of old performances all night. From Will Smith to Nsync, this little addition just added that extra zest needed for a great night. Some other notable featured flashbacks were Beyonce, The Osbourne's, and Whitney Houston. They made all the single ladies want to dance with somebody as they mourned the break up of Justin & Britney.   
  •  As Gangham style plays, I can only think of Zumba #AMAs & TOO LEGIT TO QUIT ...Night made #AMAs
    Combining Gangnam Style & Mc Hammer's "Too Legit to Quit" was the best decision MTV could have made to end the show. Except for the fact that it is now stuck in my head and I have to be at class at 8 am; and the fact that I am thinking of Zumba class and that is just exhausting.
& my most popular tweet of the night (MtvNews might have retweeted it, then might have followed me. It's fine. It's whatever. Big deal moment in the life of Shelby)....
  • I love how weird, laid-back, and wonderful @NoDoubt is #AMAs @MTVNews

    No Doubt literally had a jam session on stage. They did not focus on over-done costuming or special effects, they just did what they do best. I literally loved every minute of it and felt like I was just siting on an old couch in a garage listening to a few old friends. 

& that is all for tonight. I hope you enjoyed my point of view on my addiction to the pop culture filled events of Award Shows.

That's just apart of what makes me...

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Apologies to all my twitter followers for my live tweeting. Sometimes I just cannot help but express my many emotions for pop cultural events. I have issues.

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