Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why I Love Today...

Today is the 310th day of the year.

There are only 55 days until people will be drunkenly celebrating the new year with whistles, party hats, and what not. That also means Christmas is on its way.

Did you know on this day in history...

These events happened:

  •  1528 – Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known European to set foot in Texas.
    • You remember that one guy we studied that one year in school? Yeah- him.
  •  1869 – In New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers College defeats Princeton University (then known as the College of New Jersey), 6-4, in the first official intercollegiate American football game.
    • Yeah sports! Yeah football! Yeah Tailgating!
  •  1935 – Parker Brothers acquires the forerunner patents for MONOPOLY from Elizabeth Magie.
    • This is when the fights between friends begin. No one finishes Monopoly happy. NO ONE.

These People were born:

  •  1946 – Sally Field, American actress, 
    • Mom in Steel Magnolia's (one of the greatest movies of all time). Played a women with 16 different personalities. She has more talent in her thumb than I do in my whole body.
  • 1955 – Maria Shriver, American journalist.
    •  Arnold Schwarzenegger's ex wife, she's won awards. She's really pretty.
  •  1988 – Emma Stone, American actress
    • Just one of the coolest people you will ever meet (who I hope one day I meet). If I could switch personalities/bodies/lives for one day with one person, it would be her.

Holiday's on today:

  • Finnish Swedish Heritage Day, a flag day (Finland)
  •  Green March (Morocco)
& most importantly
  • National Nachos Day

In just a few weeks...

  • I will be stuffing my face and it will be acceptable.
  • I get to watch the best parade of the year.
  • I get to go Christmas shopping.
  • Pumpkin pie.
  •  I will be able to to listen to Christmas music and have it be acceptable.
  • My "Elf" marathons will commence.
  • The old Christmas movies will be playing nonstop on television.
  • Did I mention Christmas music?

With so many reasons to love today & I'm still not done.


Today is election day.

& Today I voted in my first Presidential Election.

Some people might say "big whoop-e-dee-dee". And all I have to say to that is "psh-posh". It is a big deal. I have been waiting for this day for quite a few years.

I made a vow to myself Junior year of high school. A teacher of mine had some not so kind words in regards to my generation. A brief summary would sound something like "Your generation is at fault for the country's problems. Your generation is worthless. Your generation is the reason America is failing." Well as the rest of the students in my class that day know, I did not take this statement well. I vowed that day that once I was of age, I would vote. In every election, whether absentee or in person, I would vote.   

Since I turned 18, I have kept that vow and always voted. Always. Not just to say "suck it" to my old government teacher, but because I find it an important part of being American. Yes, my vote is merely one in a million, but it is mine. Not one person out there will have the exact opinions and ideas as me. Today I got to voice my thoughts, quietly and without judgements. & most importantly, today I got to vote for who runs our country. Being an American, this is a right and a privilege that many take for granted. I voted today for my women ancestors that were not allowed. I voted today for all the African Americans, both male and female, that could not voice their opinion. I voted today to ensure the progress of America and equality.

Social Media and Politics

Election day is also great because it provides a night full of entertainment

Grab some popcorn.
Pour yourself something to drink.
& let the games begin.

From Twitter to Facebook to Tumblr, everyone on election day has an opinion. Though they really should not mix, they will. Every one wants to share their views and by golly, let them. Those who pour gasoline on the fire, just show to their friends and and family they are political, are just silly. I cannot say I am not guilty of this. I got my taste of Facebook and politics after the first Presidential debate. By posting a simple status, I was bombarded seconds later by people with other opinions. Opinions, might I say, that were poorly worded and had no grounds of support. This, being an English major, lit the flame to my social media political fire. & I am ashamed to say, I got into a Facebook argument over politics. I am not even that political. Every election, I listen to the candidates platforms. I look at the pros and cons. At the end of the day, I go with my gut feeling. I vote based off of facts, mixed with good vibes- also a candidate that has great grammar does not hurt.

I think why I find politics and social media so entertaining is because I am from a small, rural town. People are less worried about their statements offending their friends and simply "tell it how it is". If you want a good drinking game, borrow my Facebook account for the night. Take a drink at every outlandish, non backed statement you come across. I really would not advise this though because you might not remember a thing.

At the end of the day, I do not care whether we agree or disagree. I just care whether you exercised your right to vote. 

& at the end of the day, I'm just...

Shelby Sue

P.S. Just because I wrote a political blog does not mean I welcome political comments. I really do not care if you voted Obama, Romney, Johnson, Regina George, or yourself. I just thinking voting is a big deal and you should vote.

I voted Pedro.

P.S. Sorry I suck and have lacked posting blogs. I'll try to get a new one up asap since you have had to go two whole weeks without my witty banter.

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