Thursday, October 17, 2013

....At the foot of the stairs With my fingers in your hair Baby, this is it

If you know the song of which these title lyrics came, I spoiled this blogs topic... Nonetheless...


So forgive me for hoarding away inside, but I have been watching a lot of cheesy movies lately. Do not get me wrong, I have life [well kind of, sometimes, definitely maybe, but really not at all]. I just really do not like sleep or people or being in public because that takes the effort of getting ready. Who actually likes primping for hours on end just for a few nights?  I mean I work, I do school and stuff, but I am a really good anti-social procrastinator. I can spend hours on end silently clicking away on my computer or watching films; I can make a 15 minute assignment last 2 weeks if I want.

My antisocial tendencies benefit you though!  


You see, since I have not been social [or sleeping. It is actually more the sleeping than the social part], I have been noticing themes in films and been conjuring many different blogs about said themes. There are surprisingly a lot more themes than you might think considering most of these cheesy films follow the same plot line. BUT GUESS WHAT? I figure I might as well attempt another blog series for you all again. We know how well these go. But for the sake of me maybe actually following through, the first installment of this blog series is about  one of the most prevalent things I notice in cheesy films...

First Kisses.

 The perfect seen is set. Whether it be underneath the stars, in the rain, or at the airport before a love interest is about to leave the country, each kiss is perfectly timed at the perfect moment. The boy and girl both have perfect hair, the perfect outfit [well sometimes],


Want to know a funny story? Besides the surprise attack from a boy named Tyler on the Kindergarten bus, my real first kiss is more of a joke than precious moment. The guy [name left anonymous because I do not want to embarrass him too much on the interweb] was so nervous, he missed and kissed the corner of my eye. Sadly to say that relationship didn't last and I pity anyone who has to play pin the tail on the donkey with this kid- make sure its the velcro kind, not the actually pin type.

Anywho, here are some of my favorite "First Kisses" in Cheesy Cinematic History: 
  • "The Girl in the Lop-side Crown", Sleepover, Julie Corky and Steve:
    How perfect was that? Ignoring that fact that her styling was completely awful. I get she is moving from middle school to high school, but a pink cap sleeve shirt probably is not the way to a guys heart- especially when said cap sleeved shirt looks like it was made for a third grader. But she gets to kiss the guy she's had a crush on since forever! Also he likes her because she likes skateboarding and hot dogs. Though I might judge him for his standards being set so low, at least he knows what he likes. This first kiss is sort of creepy though because well, he climbs into her broken tree house, with the bent crown [she thought she lost the night before], and is just like all "hey". It is borderline stalker/ borderline adorable.

  • "Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing" A Cinderella Story, Sam Montgomery & Austin Aimes:
    Any young adult who says they have not seen this movie (and partially memorized this movie) is lying. So Hillary Duff is the real life cinderella with a real life evil step mother, but has a secret online romance through a chat room- their aliases? PrincetonGirl and Nomad. Those names could use a little work, but that is besides the point. Without spoiling the story too much, he finds out who she is and is kind of a jerk about the whole thing. Eventually Sam decides to stick up for herself and tells him off, along with everyone who stepped all over her. At the football game she gets upset as the crowd starts chanting Austin's name, so she gets up to leave; at the time she's leaving, Austin looks to the crowd to find her, calls time out, and runs up to the stands to confess his love. And as they kiss, the drought is ended and all is well. LIKE WHO CAN SAY THEIR FIRST KISS ENDED A DETRIMENTAL DROUGHT?

  • "A Real Foot Poppin Kiss" - Princess Diaries, Mia Thermopolis & Michael:
    As anybody who has seen this film knows, Mia friend-zones the cute guy who is in love with her and goes for the jerk, Josh. Josh is popular, tan, and had great hair [well at the time it was great hair for a guy to have, now it is not so attractive]. While Mia becomes popular due to her recent fame of discovering she's a princess, Josh and her go on a date at the beach party. Josh ends up kissing her in a shed [as they hide away from paparazzi]; Mia's foot doesn't pop and she is left embarrassing her family and finding out her dream guy was a fluke who just liked her for crown. It takes an M&M pizza and invitation to her ball, but Michael comes around and forgives her. As Mia looks to the crowd for someone to take her hand, Michael appears looking debonair [resembling a 60s rock star] and joins her on the dance floor. Afterwards, he takes her to the garden where they kiss, Mia's foot pops, and as it does the garden lights up and the fountain turns on. Being a Disney movie, of course it was quite magical.

  • "Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie," Clueless, Cher & Josh:
    Though people might see an older ex-stepbrother in college and his old little high school sister kissing as weird, it is still on my list because I LOVE THIS MOVIE. The whole time she is searching for someone to love and the whole time it was her ex-step brother who is also one of her best friends; which I know, I somewhat hate on because most the time best friends cannot turn into relationships. It is just a matter of fact about how things really work out. BUT I MEAN COME ON. Cher & Josh are perfect together... plus I just really like Paul Rudd. And she didn't even have to leave her house to get her first kiss with him- just conveniently at the top of her staircase.

Now this list could go on and on and on, but I feel like ending it here because let's be real- I just need to post another blog before you all disown me.

But you see boys. My next "first kiss" has the qualifiers that it should cure a drought [or happen in rain, I could settle for rain], be in a treehouse that you creepily climbed in to with a bent crown, maybe something on my staircase [I really like staying home], but most importantly you better make my foot pop.

 & that being said,

I'm Simply Sleepy Shelby Sue.

P.s. I'm currently procrastinating as I write this blog. You are welcome that I love you more than school.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Once Upon a Time.....

Well Interweb world and followers and people who just clicked this link because I told them to, sorry I have abandoned you for the last few months. Between a laptop that broke, starting back up with school and my current schedule, I have little time for fun activities. But that being said, life without fun activities is a bore and I think it's time to bring the world my sense of opinion once more [that rhymed on accident]. 

This blog you are about to read is a composition that I have been working for quite some time actually. Over the past year, I have grown so much as an individual and defeated some things  of which I never thought I could. Why I decided now, at this moment, to finally let my readers eyes gaze into this part of my life is beyond me. It's more or likely because I don't completely have time to write a new blog from scratch tonight or the fact that I am simply done holding things back.

This blog has been written in times of sadness, times of confusion, and the newest, final addition was written in a time of content. 

Welcome to my roller-coaster of emotions and discovery in the department of love....

[oofie, that was cheesy]

Hopefully the title isn't too much of a tease.

Life definitely is not a fairy tale.

If you haven't noticed, my life lately has been a world wind of thoughts, emotions, and ideas. I feel like every time I go for a drive, my mind flourishes with fascinating struggles to understand the current reality of many different portions of my life. As I was driving alone to work the other day with my thoughts, the radio played songs of love, adultery, alcohol, broken hearts, young romance, butterflies in your stomach- are you sensing a theme here? Because I sure am.

The world today is a hopeless romantic.


We fall for the pretense of a relationship. Thinking the first time we meet a potential mate that we will end up with them- automatically day dreaming about how you will tell your grand kids about their "pops" and how you two met in the funniest way. It is the idea instilled in our head at an extremely young age; and the things we learn in childhood stick with us for the rest of our life. I still to this day want to be a Disney Princess- minus the whole fairytale love aspect. You might be thinking- why does this girl not want to have a fairytale love? My answer is quite simple. I do not want a fairytale love because frankly there is no such thing.

It's a bunch of hogwash.

To begin, everybody's idea of a fairytale romance is different- that's simply just a given. Overall though [no matter your vision] dating is nothing like what you daydreamed about when you are young and quite naive. It is not necessarily that I am holding out for a fairy god mother and a carriage made from pumpkins; I do not want a Prince who has to try a shoe on every maiden in town before he realizes it was me. Though- let us be real. The whole idea of a pumpkin turning into a carriage is still pretty cool.

I just want something easy, simplistic. That is what I idolize most. From cartoons to romantic comedies, everything happens on a whim- even when they throw in the complicated twist, things turn out perfectly. No- I do not ever wish to live a perfect life with a perfect house and the perfect two children- one boy, one girl. That would make things ever so boring. I do however wish that it was as simple as getting shot with an arrow by a little man named  Cupid. How do you know when something is worth fighting for? And how do you know when to simply give up?

Cue some Whitney Houston: "How do I know if he really loves me?"

In college [from a woman's perspective], guys seem to be after a few things- and a lady is not one of them. If you are are "easy and available", you most likely are not single. The girls, who jump from guy to guy seeing which perks they can enjoy most, are more likely to be in relationship; but more than likely in these relationships, there is no compassion outside of the bedroom. Stemming away from that, there is the whole realm of the skinny stigma. It is not just the media that sways society's thoughts about bodies; it is men and women fueling the fire. If you put an average person next to an athletic person and ask a person to pick which one looks more datable [no personalities included], 9 times out of 10 they will pick the one that is more in shape. We are just very egotistical beings. In today's world, it all about climbing the ladder to the top. How is one supposed to climb the ladder of success when their mate is at the bottom eating a doughnut? The more fit one is the more likely they are to be categorized as "datable".

Now time for Shelby's personal stories from which this blog stems....

As you know, I sign most of my blogs that "I'm Simply Shelby Sue" because well that is what I am. I am not Sam, who does not like green eggs and ham. I am not the Krusty Krab, nor am I Patrick. I am Shelby Sue who is petite, with curves [you have already read that rant] and I can devour a whole bag of Cheetos if you let me at em. I would rather stay in on a Friday night and play Sims video games by myself than deal with people. I thoroughly enjoy cheesy, chick flicks. I hate short, shorts, but wear them because my inner nonconformist is self-conscience.  I feel as if celebrities are my best friends and they just do not know it yet; that being said, I get way to into pop culture. Long story summed up: I  am weird. I do not fall into the category of "the norm", who tend to be the ones who find love so easily. 

This leads me to go with what is comfortable and familiar, rather than what is actually right or seeking out something new. & by doing so, I have found myself on this sinking ship. I had come to this point where everything had built up and it all came crashing down one, by one. The dam broke and out poured years of emotions, both good and bad. Even with my all 21 years of life experience, there was no explanation how to go about handling where I had landed. 

Cue the Melodramatics Because I Say So 


You know when someone disappears from your life? It hurts. Let alone multiple people. Sometimes in life, you are blessed with people who will always be around, but there are others who just make appearances. Of course, those relationships that have ended terribly are simply just an appearance. We shouldn't waste our spare time thinking about them or what could have been. I say we shouldn't because we all do. Some of my past relationships still haunt me to this day; a few months ago, that would have controlled my life still. Now, I remember it, forget, and move on with my freaking life. Here is where things get problematic...

There are some people, never in a million years, would you have thought to be a temporary appearance. Think about it. Most people have that friend that has always been there. Growing up in a small community, I have been "lucky" to have multiple friends that have always been around for my beck and call. Just as life goes, you tend to gravitate and become closer with some than you are with others. Add in a boy/girl friendship and you have the makings for a classic romantic comedy... That is if romantic comedies were real life- which they most certainly are not. In real life, the whole "romance" aspect just ultimately ruins everything that has been built. DO NOT- I REPEAT- DO NOT FALL FOR YOUR CLOSE FRIENDS. I made the mistake- well actually, I'll admit it, I have made that mistake multiple times. Obviously, this mistake [prepare for a Miley reference] came in like a wrecking ball and destroyed me. 

I think you know what is coming next [short-story time]....

Slowly but surely, two people I have known for years has been disappearing from my life. These two guys were my rocks in time of need. One, was a way better rock than the other, but still. They did not necessarily volunteer to be in my life, but for somehow or some reason they were. I depended on them, which is my first mistake. Never depend on somebody, especially at such a young age when you are developing into the person you want to be. To make two very long stories short, Little incidents, lead to bigger incidents, eventually resulting in the end of two relationships I held close to my heart.

And the worst part is, I had to make them go away because keeping them in my life really was not possible. At what I call my "rock bottom", I would cringe at their names, tweets, Facebook updates. It made me feel like I did something wrong, when I did noting but actually fall. I fell into the wrong arms and let myself stay there for years, even though they were never truly comforting or truly there. The fact that I was bothered by social media in general is disturbing, let alone the fact that I blamed it all on myself, placing little blame on them.  Then, the question is posed that had I known these relationships were toxic, would I rewind and make them never happen? Never. These two people, though they hypothetically ran me over with their cars and broke every bit of me, made me stronger. They made me realize that all these years I never truly was an independent soul. 


I cared so much about someone wanting to need me, that I forgot about what I actually needed.. 

Moving forward is tough, but an extremely necessary thing. But even when we let go of the emotions and attachment, the memories always stick. There will be those haunting flashbacks- that's life. The trick is to how you handle it. Try not to react. Brush them off. Never let them get you because when that happens, they win. You become the loser and that scenario needs to be flipped around. You have become strong and moved on; the moment you find you enjoy life without their old, stupid baggage, you win. No longer needing to please or pretend, you get to be yourself and you are the most beautiful person. When you look in the mirror, see the beautiful, strong human being you are. Ignore the biased flaws created by the socially constructed world because someday someone will love you no matter what. That person will see the soul that shines so brightly and they'll linger to hold it, capture it, cherish it. To them, your flaws are what make you beautiful- they are bonuses really. They'll love your frizzy hair, your freckles, and yes they will love your cellulite and muffin tops. They'll love it because all of those things are what make up you. In the end, if two people are meant to be it will never be a superficial feeling. When you  allow yourself to look forward to the great potentials, the hauntings will dissipate.  The bagagge becomes light. You become free to be loved by not only yourself, but by someone out there who will never want to hurt you.

I have been hurt by almost every relationship I have been in. It is never all their fault; it is always a 50/50 thing. I am at fault for being myself. I fell, I cared, and I never realized my flaw of accepting someone for everything, thinking they will do the same. The truth is, not every person will. There are good and bad people out in the world. I like to think life gave me so many bad apples because they knew for someone reason I needed to be broken to become who I truly wanted to be. Sometimes the falling into love is so intoxicating, you fall addicted to similar patterns and routines. The only way to break the habit is to take the time needed, heal the old broken wounds, and ultimately forgive and forget. That part seems impossible, but it most definitely is not.  Within the last year, I thought I had lost at life. I gave up on love. I gave up on hope. I did not think I could change because I thought I was the problem. But for some reason, merely four months ago, I decided that was not good enough. I decided that becoming all emotional and depressed over things that cannot be changed was just silly. Never are you truly the problem. These issues I have struggled with for years happen everyday. I am sure there are multiple men and women trying to figure out where they went wrong. Though I have let the past go and come to a realization that the future is brighter, I still have to accept the fact that I might be alone the rest of my life and that is an extremely scary thing.

& with all these thoughts, I am still left wondering...

Prince Charming cannot possibly, exist? Can he?

& even if he did, I  would probably let myself ruin it because I am terribly good at that.. I struggle to let people in because I am afraid to end up hurt and once again alone. It is something that challenges me everyday, but I am working on it. Add in the additional factors that  I am extremely awkward and I lack the communication skills that keep a relationship afloat. For real though, I'm too snarky and sarcastic for this text messaging craze. Also, I do not know how to handle my feelings or even handle myself. My life is always a complicated mess and my whole past love life portion looks like an episode of Hoarders gone extremely awry. Feelings and Emotions. Ew- what are those things? Get em out of here.

All I know is to cherish your friendships you have now. Accept new challenges and do not fear the fall. Though you might fall when another person does not, at least you tried- that is something to be proud of. Without attempting, you might never know what could happen and you might miss out on something beautiful. Enjoy every moment of discovery and learn to forget your fears. Again, by doing this we might get hurt, but life is an adventure. By letting ourselves be vulnerable we become better versions of ourselves. These people we might have never let in could become one of your favorite parts of your life. By channeling our inner elementary self, we remember the lovely feelings of puppy love. 

Silly me, as I'm contemplating this "Fifteen" by Taylor Swift comes on my playlist. Through the speakers and into my ears flow words about being "young and naive" about love. I suppose I am still naive about love because I believe it still is a possibility. Even after all this, I know why I hold out and do not rush into things. If an initial good instinct is never there, it never will be. You have to love them from the first conversation, without knowing you love them. Through time, it will become something wonderful if it's mutual. If the process of falling isn't sweeping you off your feet, it's not there. It lacks the luster needed of a sliver screen worthy love and that is the type of love I am holding out for because settling really is not my style.

At the end of the day, I cannot change me. I cannot change reality. I cannot change whatever plan life has in store for me. I just have to adjust and deal with the cards dealt currently. 

& if any of you are in the same boat, I am sure your soul-mates are somewhere out there siting on the dock of the bay.

And all these thoughts and rants are what make me....

Simply Single Shelby Sue

P.s. If you are my soul mate reading this, please come and take me away to Hogwarts or somewhere just as majestic. I would settle for Narnia or even somewhere perfect for star gazing. I would prefer not to go to Panem. It is not a very happy place. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Moxie with Some Music & Movies & Stuff

Why Hello My Lovely Readers!

Due to a plethora of events this past week/weekend, FanGirl Friday has yet to begin and well, the other blogs I was working on failed to be posted. That being said... I am still bringing you your weekly dose of reviews of pop culture related things and an update on what has went on in the world of Shelby. 

& this week, I added pictures! Who doesn't love pictures!


Since We Last Spoke, Wrote, or Read:

  •  I participated in The Color Run [with a group of close friends]! It was my first 5k and I have to say, I loved it. Every second and minute! Though it proved how out of shape I truly am, bonding with friends while being doused in color was completely worth every minute.

  • I fed a Giraffe with my older sister (it only last like 5 seconds) and it was the best thing ever. 
  • I ate really good chocolate in the shape of a Chocolate frog. I have yet to visit Hogwarts, get my letter to Hogwarts, or ride the Hogwart's express, but luckily I have had the experience of eating this fine delicacy. Though I have to say I was a little disappointed when it didn't try to hop away or have a Dumbledore trading card. 

  • I also got to see a Knight in Shinning Armor. I felt like I was in an episode of Scooby Doo and I liked that feeling.... a lot.

Now that's enough about me and my life... .

Why Don't You Moxie On Over Here....

Prepare yourselves for some random facts, thoughts, and pop culture things that have been rattling ma mind. 
  •  The Royal Baby could be here by the end of the week and I am kind of excited. It feels sort of like Prince Charming  & Cinderella are having a kid. I hope Kate Middleton has her own pack of fury friends like Cinderella did- imagine Gus Gus & Jaq attempting to make the royal baby cute little onesies and stuff.... I honestly spend too much of my time pretending Disney movies are real. This is one instance of which you can judge me all you want. 

  • New T-Rex Discovery: I kind of really like Dinosaur facts... so here is a new one discovered recently. T-Rex's hunted for food and were not just scavengers. New fossil evidence in a duckbill showed that this fossil is of a duck bill who got away. I bet the T-Rex that hunted him sat sulking while Katy Perry's sappy love/pop song played in his head.

  • I am incredibly upset that I will not be apart of Comic Con again this year. This dream must come true eventually or I do not know what I will do with myself.
(prepare for an immediate switch of emotions)

 Movies Worthy of a View:

Here are 3 Off-Beat Films & My Opinions....
  •  Pirate Radio:

    Released in 2009 and first seen in 2012, I just added this movie to my collection today. Let's just say my collection is happy it has made its way home. If you research this movie, you will find mixed reviews. People either love it like I or found it falling flat. The plot itself is centered around a ship in the North Sea of Britain that is essentially a pirate radio. It unfolds through character connections and the governments goal to stop the illegal radio. Though some of it is raunchy,  the humor is there [for those who seek it] and it is just as much a good view, as a good listen; the musical score is enough for some just to give it a try. If I have not sold you, it stars Philip Seymour Hoffman. 

  •  50/50

It has been awhile since Joseph Gordon Levitt has been written about on my blog, so I felt the need to change that. I have noticed as I age, I cry more at movies and in this movie in particular, I bawled. Bawled like a little baby who just will not shut up. The story deals with Levitt's character facing the controversial and heart-breaking topic of Cancer. The film exposes what the disease can do to a person's live and how they can still live while fighting it. Seth Rogan is cast  as the best friend of Levitt and definitely lightens the mood of the film a little bit, while Anna Kendrick is cast as Levitt's therapist- and who isn't obsessed with Anna Kendrick?  No one- that's who.
  • Lars & The Real Girl: This might be one of Ryan Goslings finest performances.This movie debuted in 2007 before Ryan Gosling was a a popular pin on Pinterest for middle-age woman wishing their husband was the icon himself. It is definitely a quirky film that really doesn't go anywhere, but you really do not mind that it is what it is. You are somehow still left feeling complete at the end. Lars, who lives with his brother, tells him he has started an online relationship with a woman named Bianca and she is coming visit. When she arrives, the girl is not what the brother and his wife expect because Bianca is a blow up doll [correction from my mother: it was not a blow up doll. it was a life size doll]. I was trying not to completely give away what the actual purpose of the doll would be to a normal person other than Lars, but thanks to my mother you can infer further about Bianca's identity. 

These films are not new releases by any means, but I feel like throw back films are just as good as new. 

Music Makes The People 

Come Together- Yeahhh 

Here are some tunes that are cool by my terms...
  • Boombastic- Shaggy: I tend to listen to a nice flashback tracks radio to stir my creativity and this song is currently stirring my mind as I write to you all. Some of the lyrics are just so clever... Geee- Wheeze, Baby Please. Let me take you to an island of sweet cool breeze... Okay, well maybe it is not the most lyrically genius song ever created, but it rhymes a lot! Sometimes it is incredibly hard to rhyme. You have to admit you can somewhat sing a long and bob your head with the back beats. Just don't judge me- judging is not allowed unless I say so. 

  • Percussion Gun- White Rabbits:  This song is odd- I will warn you of that... But if you are up for an odd and quality listen, turn your music up and put this on. I feel like this song would work really well in a musical score of one of the quirky, indie movies I love so much. It also sounds like something that would play on an alternative college-run radio station. All those facts aside, the lead singer has an interesting voice with a nice timbre- at least it is nice to me.

  • If I Ever Feel Better- Phoenix: I love this song by Phoenix so much. It has a nice disco feel and contrary to popular belief, Disco never died. I saw KC & The Sunshine band perform last summer and I thought it was fantastic. Back to the point of this bullet, this song puts a happy spin on a broken heart. It describes the many feels as a relationship crumbles, but adds a optimistic turn. Yes- you may feel crappy at the time being, but  "you can gimme your number, when it's all over I'll let you know." Thus meaning, do not put your life on complete hold because you are in broken-hearted misery or any misery nonetheless. One day, you will feel better and be able to move on.

  • Shake It Fast- Mystikal: Another flashback track has been in my head lately. I honestly cannot sing along with this at all- except for the chorus. The chorus is actually kind of creepy because it goes from the weird raspy yelling, to a creepy r&b style rift. In the classic words, Shake it fast, watch yoself because some creepy guy may serenade you as you show what you are workin with. 

  •  Austere- Joy Formidable: I just really like this song... a lot. Take that advice and listen if you want.

 For trying to follow a some-what format style, this blog post is still incredibly random. I would say I am sorry, but I am not sorry in the least bit.

Simply Random as Hell Shelby Sue

P.s. Look for a new blog with more depth sometime this week. Not tonight though. Tonight is Teen Wolf time. You cannot expect me to interrupt Teen Wolf time.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays

5 Songs That Are Making My Ears Go Wild This Week:

  • Hate it or Love it- The Game, 50 Cent: This song came on my Spotify radio the other day and I forgot how fantastic it is. Know what would make it better? A mash-up between it & "Thrift Shop". If you listen to the back beats, the two songs would make a wonderful club remix. If I had any DJ'ing talent in me, I would make it myself- but since I don't, SOMEBODY DO IT FOR ME. Please & Thank you. 

  • The Gardner- The Tallest Man on Earth: The arrangement to this song is so pretty, it really doesn't need words. The words just add even more depth to this beautiful tune. The singers raspy voice makes it an instant classic for anybody who enjoys indie/folk music.

  •  Rose Tint- Lulu & the Lampshades: I love Lulu & the Lampshades, even though they only have a handful of songs. Most of you know their song, "Cups" by now due to its instant fame in Pitch Perfect as it was performed by Anna Kendrick. This song is the same genre as "Cups" but tells a story of which a lot of people can relate.

  • Drop- Rich Boy: I honestly don't listen to rap or hip-hop much at all, so the fact that there are two songs of this genre on this list is just mind blowing. This song has a lot of foul language, which normally bugs me, but for some reason I really enjoy working out to this song.  

  • Holiday- Vampire Weekend: It is Vampire Weekend- so with that being said, I really don't need to say anything else. I will though because some of you might not know the fantasticness that is this band. You cannot be angry while listening to this song- I think it is impossible. No. It is impossible. Its bright cheerful tune is definitely a pick-me up- especially perfect if you have the Monday blues.

Movies That Entertain [well, at least they entertain me]:

  • Keith: I don't know why I like this movie because the acting really is not anything special. It is probably the fact that Jesse McCartney is the leading man and any girl my age has fan-girled him at some point in their lives. The storyline is awkward, yet emotional and Keith's whole concept of "bowling" is something semi-comedic and admirable. If you cry in movies, this one could be a tear-jerker due to a plot-twist that you can see coming a mile away. Even with all its flaws, it is one of those movies you can't help but kind of like. 

  • Pretty in Pink: This movie is one of my go-to 80's films. If you have not seen it, you clearly are not watching movies correctly. It is not quite as quote-able as Molly Ringwald's other films, Sixteen Candles or The Breakfast Club, but it is still one of those staple movies. All of the best moments include my favorite character of the film,  Duckie, Andie's [Molly Ringwald's character] best friend. I guarantee most of you will lean towards him as your favorite too. It might help if I tell you that Duckie is played by Jon Cryer who plays Alan in that little show called Two & a Half Men. But as Duckie says, "I'm Off like a Dirty Shirt."

  • She's The Man: You have MTV's #GirlsDayIn to thank for this suggestion. I forgot how horribly bad, yet wonderful this film is to watch. With a mix of actors who are in a bunch of other films... Amanda Crew, plays the dumb best friend Kia; you can also see her as Tess in Charlie St. Cloud [another horribly wonderful film]. Channing Tatum... gorgeous to look at and actually shines in a more comedic role. I find one of his best performances is in 21st Jumpstreet, versus Magic Mike [which was awful, I'm sorry. God awful] and The Vow [just no]. David Cross is the quirky principal who you can see being the mean guy who kidnaps the chipmunks in Alvin & the Chipmunks. & the leading lady is Amanda Bynes, who is on the headline of every pop cultured centered website these days with her wonderful antics. This film is just one of those that you can quote word for word and is perfect for a lazy movie day. 

  • Moonrise Kingdom: I think I am really biased when it comes to this film because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Everything about it. I just find it fantastic. Though, I know, a lot of people did not receive it as well as I. With that being said, I am still recommending it because it is my blog and I do what I want. If you like quirky, weird, and independent films, give this one a try. It follows two young people as they runaway together in a hurricane. It also has Bill Murray & Bruce Willis- which honestly you can't go wrong with. If you don't trust my judgement, it has a 7.8 out of 10 on IMDB. 

  • Dirty Girl: If you are not one for foul language or the occasional promiscuity, this film might not be one for you. But if you can handle those things, I highly recommend you give this film a try because it is honestly fantastic. It tells the story of a "dirty girl" Danielle who gets paired with a not so ideal partner, Clarke, to raise a flour sack child in special education class. Still with me? Danielle runs away to find her father and Clarke accompanies her because his parents don't approve of his sexuality. The movie follows the journey of their road trip and developing friendship. It also ends with a fantastic talent show scene; I have never seen a bad movie that ends in a talent show scene.

 Moxie Madness, A Place For My Rants, Raves, & Miscellaneous thoughts:

  • Rants:
    • People bashing the President. We are allowed our thoughts and opinions, but is it not apart of proper manners and etiquette to treat authority figures with at least respect?  I honestly don't agree with bashing anyone in general, but especially someone who runs our country. I just find it rude. Politics aside,  a little respect goes a long way.

    • My college town City Council decided to vote against an Ordinance that would protect against discrimination against gays and transgenders. Not only does this piss me off [because equality is an important thing], but another matter makes me even more angry. This decision resulted in a respectable Professor at my college resigning from his position on the board and our local news station covering the story. Some of the comments from ignorant people, after this man stood up for his beliefs, are just disgusting. Just because you don't agree with people's life choices, doesn't mean you can stop people from living their lives; and it sure doesn't give us the right to prevent them from doing so. If you would like to read the news article, here is the link. Again, this is another situation where people are rude and I just really don't like rude. 

  •  Miscellaneous Thoughts Recap:

    • I really wish that every time someone was rude, Stephanie Tanner would pop up in their room and yell "How Rude." I think it could be an effective form of telling rude people like it is.

    • We all should watch "A League of Their Own", join hands in a circle, & sing "We're all for one, we're one for all, We're All American", then we could bake a cake full of rainbows and butterflies. 

    •  Barbie is not a suitable role model considering no one looks like that.

    • I still can't believe Rebecca Black can sing.

& that is the end of my first "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays". I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to being a more uniform blogger, but I will try to get acquainted for you all. That is just because...

I'm Simply Shelby Sue

P.S. I know my opinions aren't the law of the land. Take everything I say with a grain of salt and never be offended if I, nor someone else, thinks differently than yourself. That is the lovely thing about opinions- we all can have one and they can all be unique.

I'm really good at the hiding part of Hide N Seek...

Lately, I have accidentally been hiding from the blogging world.

I promise it is not you nor me, well actually it is me. I am just really bad at consistently writing a lovely new blog for you each week. & I have come up with a solution for that, but that will have to wait just a second...

Since we have last spoken:

  •  I camped out in an Aquarium under Sharks & Sting-Rays.

  • I got to see Boys II Men, 98 Degrees, & New Kids on the Block. Childhood dream fulfilled? I think so. Honestly, it is one of the best concerts I have been to.Those men all still have swagger and they are old enough to be my father... they might even be older than my father.

  • My last blog had wonderful reception and I am incredibly gratified with the results of a little bit of honest spoken word. By revealing and admitting my insecurities, I helped many others who suffer with the same issues. A big thanks is also due for all the encouraging comments, words, and messages I have received from my lovely readers. You all are some amazing individuals.

  • Also, I turned 21- kind of a really big deal. On my day of celebration, I exceeded 21 shots without puking or feeling awful. I think this is another example of why I should have attended Hogwarts instead of Muggle school because sometimes I am magic.  

Now back to my blog announcement...


I suppose you could call it an announcement since this is a public form and I'm announcing something...



I know. Big Deal. Even bigger deal than turning 21. You may be thinking, why is this such a big announcement... Because it is consistency and that is something this blog lacks!

Prepare yourselves for a weekly dose of sass in form of my regular blogs and two new weekly segments:

  • "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays". Every Monday you can look forward to my weekly dose of Pop Culture advice, musical thoughts, and movie suggestions.

  • "Fan-Girl Friday". Since we all know I fan girl a lot, why not make a day a week specifically dedicated to it? Every Friday I'll post a new Crush, a  bit of about them, & then why I think they are so fantastic.

So this is what it feels like to be semi-harmonious...

Consistently Simply Shelby Sue

 P.S. Look Forward to the first "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays" segment coming up in a few. 


Monday, May 27, 2013

I Am Beautiful No Matter Whatttt They Say

 Lately, the issue of weight has been on mind quite frequently & obviously it is on the mind of many in my surrounding town, communities, and even family. After being harassed at the bars this last weekend by a guy at least 5 years older than myself, I feel as if I need to embrace this issue and try to come to terms with the subject of "my weight".

Here are some really fun facts I have learned about myself:

  • "Are you pregnant? [no]. Well you sure look it!"
    • One of my second cousins asked me if I was pregnant at my Grandpa's Birthday Party a few months back. As I responded no, they indeed did say "Well, you sure look it".
  • "She has gotten quite a bit bigger than she was in high school."
    • A girl, who is a mere acquaintance [she dated a kid in my town], had the courage to randomly talk to one of my sorority sisters about me- the talk mainly being about how I had gotten bigger since high school. The fact of the matter is that most people get bigger after high school. Talking about me is not going to make you any prettier sweetie. Quite frankly, anyone who talks about someones weight is ugly on the inside- no matter what size jeans they wear. 
& here is my favorite and newest factoid ...
  • "I was not talking about your sister, I was calling your sister-in-law a Fat-Ass."
    •  As if the leading line does not say enough, this is what the guy [remember he is at least five years older than me] said to my brother-in-law when confronted about his actions. This was after he accosted me for being "anti-social" and after he rammed a table into me multiple times. This is after he went off on my best friend for being a "city slicker". This was also after I  refused to dance with his belligerent drunk self. Oh, and it is also after he grabbed my wrist so hard I had red marks and it continues to hurt as I am typing this lovely blog. After all his high and mighty stunts, he did not even have the balls to say this to my face, which speaks for itself.

So I am a prego-fatass who has gotten a lot bigger since high school. Look, I can say  all of this stuff too! But is it necessary? I do not know if all my readers know this, so I am just going to come out and say it...


I honestly did not know that it was such a big ordeal. Even at my skinniest, my butt was nicknamed "the Bailey Booty". I guess when your body balances itself out it is unacceptable and you enter yourself into a realm of people to criticize you EVERYDAY. What's funny is that in the olden-days, I would have been the creme de la creme- being as I had what they would define as ideal "birthing hips". All you skinny, twig betches would have been the ones criticized for not having enough meat on your bones.

I know weight is not a issue for just me. People everyday are getting harassed for their weight.We keep hoping that tomorrow things will get better and we will be motivated. Sadly, with each new day, the motivation never arrives and we are left with another day of hating who we are. And all I have to say is that...

This has got to stop.

What gives anybody the right to define who we are as individuals and what our bodies look like? Everybody has their own issues, problems, and reasons for looking the way they do. You all have no idea what a person is going through as you toss out your opinions left and right about their body. They could eat fast-food everyday or they could simply have a medical condition that prevents them from losing weight. To all you people tossing out names left and right about us who have weight issues, sorry for being such a big inconvenience.

And since everyone surrounding me is so concerned with my body image, here are the facts surrounding my weight gain:

  • When transitioning to college, I was not nearly as active as I was in high school. I was not in every organization you could be in. I was no longer cheerleading my life away with practices and games. My lifestyle's pace simply changed.
  • I  entered college with a slew of health problems, some stemming from these conditions:
    • Severe Asthma
    • Familial Tremors [this is why my hand-writing is nearly illegible most days].
  • Along with being constantly sick, the doctors discovered my sophomore year:
    • I have Celiac's disease- meaning I am currently still under-going a complete dietary change.
    •  I had a bad gallbladder.
  • By second semester of my sophomore year, I had lost interest in everything. I no longer knew what I wanted to do in school, I was consumed with ill feelings, and again I was constantly sick. This made me:
    • Never want to leave bed.
    • Never want to go to class.
    • Constantly sick- from colds to the flu. I do not remember one day feeling completely well.
  • By summer, I began suffering panic attacks from thinking my life had spiraled out of control. Anytime I thought about returning to the Truman in the Fall, my lungs tightened, my heart raced, and I could barely breath. While battling with these attacks, I also tried extremely hard to lose weight. I dieted and worked out everyday- I never lost a pound. This lead me to:
    • Withdraw from TSU.
    • Give up on losing weight for the time being.
    • Enroll in Community College.
    • Seek help from my Doctor.
  • That Fall I went through a period where blood testing was a regular. I focused on schooling and figuring out what I wanted to do in life. I started to realize that things were not completely out of control and that I could still succeed in life. This breakthrough resulted in:
    • A 4.0 GPA
    • Re-Admittance to Truman for the next Fall
    • The discovery of an immune disorder, as well as other conditions as implied throughout.
  • This Spring, I made a resolution to try to tackle my weight gain. I have gradually gone into things, while balancing out the rest of my life. Because of my new outlook I have:
    • Lost 15 pounds [though people obviously do not think I have].
    • Achieved another 4.0 GPA
    • Graduated with my Associate of the Arts Degree
    • Landed a Part-Time Job that I thoroughly enjoy

& here is the part, where I feel people are giving me the "motivational" pep talks:

  • You are not fat.
  • You are beautiful.
  • Just because you are a little bigger than you used to be, does not mean anything.
  • I am bigger than you are. 
  • At least you look healthy, than sickly.
  • Etc, Etc, Etc.

& here is where I finally say it ...

You are Wrong.

The actions that lead me to write this blog are examples enough. Yes- those people are no better than scum beneath someones toes, but they stated something that I am not denying. I battle with a lot of things everyday- especially my weight. When I look in the mirror, I do not necessarily like anything that is looking back at me, but that is only motivation more to work towards change. These past few months have not been a drastic improvement by any means, but it is progress and that is all I can ask. I know right now that I am not as in shape as I used to be. I know I have a big ass. Some days when I eat gluten, I honestly do look pregnant.


God gave me curves and sorry if that offends everyone else around me.

I'm Simply Shelby Sue & I think my curves are beautiful.

P.s. Summer is upon us and so is blogging season. Prepare yourselves- I am no longer holding anything back because where is the fun in that?

Monday, February 11, 2013

Promote Small Businesses & I will Love You Forever!

Unless you are hiding under a rock somewhere like Patrick Star, you are are probably aware of what is coming this Thursday....

Valentine's Day

(duh duh duh)

It is one of those love, hate, and unescapable holidays.

& now is time for my shameless plug promoting small business this holiday.

All you lads and lasses that have found yourself tied down will be adventuring for the perfect gifts for your sweetie, cutie pie, or beefcakes. Whether it is jewelry, chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, or perfume, you will be on the search for the business offering the best bang for your buck. By placing a monetary value on things, people forget the thought that goes into gifts and just run into Wal-mart or another corporate chain store because it was easy and saved you two whole dollars (that let's be honest, you will probably waste on some useless item that you do not need). Sure, you got some type of "bang" for your buck and your girl or guy may or may not like it- but at least you got them them something. Right?


That bang you required to save a bucks, shot down one ore more of the small businesses that create your town or city. These businesses are ran by people who are giving a service to your community, at their personal expense. Small business owners truly put their customer needs above the needs of themselves- especially in small town areas. Their hours are not set in stone and they cater to your needs0 whatever they may be. Being the child of a small town business, I can personally vouch at the toll it takes on a family's life. My family's life revolves around our small town flower shop [especially at Valentine's day]. From the seven day work weeks to receiving phone calls at all times of the night, my family eats, breathes, drinks, live, and dream about making your orders quality, unique, and one of a kind. This is not an exaggeration in the slightest either (which I know some of you may be thinking). Last night, I had a nightmare that I accidentally  put sugar in the vase of water, instead of floral life preserver- thus the flowers were delivered and died shortly, resulting in a quite devastated customer- I had never felt so ashamed. I highly doubt Wal-mart associates care if your flowers die- let alone have nightmares about it.

The fact of the matter is that when you support a local business, you are keeping your town alive. Imagine your town without that business, without the people running it, and think about how the town's dynamic would change. Not only is it important on holiday's to shop locally if possible, it is important year round.Corporations are here to stay, but that does not mean small businesses cannot be as well. By choosing a small business, you choose real people who prefer offering quality services. & when you chose something like that, you truly do get the most bang for your buck. 

Just a little something to think about....



P.s. My next blog will be back to the pop culture filled wonderfulness you love- but being as this is my personal blog, I like to occasionally post things that are relevant to my life.  Enjoy!

55 Years of Tunes.

Don't act like you did not know this was coming....


It is time again to share my love of pop culture events and award shows with my blogging followers.
Plus, who doesn't love the Grammy's? I find it one of the most enjoyable award shows because the performances and fashions are always one for surprises.  & since I do what I want, I did a play by play with the things I thought were most important for you to know.

Prepare yourselfs.... This could be a bumpppy ride. 

My Completely Random & Honest thoughts on the Grammy's:

T-Swift's Opening, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together": Though there was a lot going out, I loved it (I may be impartial because for some reason I really love circus themed performances and I love T-Swift). She looks fabulous and if I woke up with her legs tomorrow, I would be completely fine with life. Plus, I give her huge props for singing live and it sounding wonderful!

L.L. Cool J's Hosting Open: I like funny openings- this was not a funny opening. It was attempting at being heart warming. I say attempting because I just could not take him seriously with his bow tie and paper boy hat. Am I the only one that thought he raided the closet of an extremely large 2 year old?

Ed Sheeran & Elton John, "A-Team": ED AND ELTON. Simple. Acoustically beautiful.. How could you not love it?  

 J-Lo's Dress: I am sorry, but a dress that slits and cuts at the top of the thigh/hip region is not attractive. I do not understand how this is "sexy" or "attractive". This dress is like a toga mixed with a loin cloth.

Adele's Dress: Classy. Fun. Fantastic.

Fun."Carry On" : I'm sorry, but Fun is one of the greatest bands performing currently- whether you like it or not [you must agree]. They performed my favorite song off their newest album, "Some Nights" and it was beautiful. I need better adjectives for the rest of this blog because I seem to be using beautiful way more than I probably should be- but this performance deserves the use. The set was beautiful. Nate Reuss is beautiful. The rain on the set was beautiful. Nate Reuss in the rain is beautiful.

John Mayer's Blue Suede Suit: I'm not really sure if it was suede, but you see what I did there? Even though he might be a [insert choice word about a scummy individual] sometimes, he cleans up quite nice.

Miranda Lambert & Dierks Bentley "Over You" & Some Other Country Song: Is it bad that I live in a small town and had no idea what Dierks Bentley looked like? Is he a ginger or is it just the lighting? The set of their performance was fitting and incorporated the edge of a Grammy's worthy performance with a typical country performance. Not saying country is not edgy, but from my perspective, country musicians tend to favor simplistic sets- but this one. I really like this one.

Wiz & Miguel: Oh Boy [referencing Wiz's hat of choice]. I love how the Grammy's jumps from one genre to another and keeps things interesting. Wiz Khalifa is just kind marvelous and this Miguel guy has an incredible voice.

Song of the Year: Feel free to read my thoughts about Fun up above and if you still do not agree, they won Song of the Year- so suck it. Thank goodness it did not go to Call Me Maybe- if it had, the world would be a very sad place and full of people with questionable choices and no soul.

[insert Johnny Depp introducing Mumford & Sons here, which was absolutely sublime]

Mumford and Sons "I Will Wait": This is another band that will be in the record books. It is made up of some incredibly talented musicians. THEY HAVE BANJOS FOR HEAVENS SAKES. I would also like to point out that Taylor Swift sang along to this performance making it just that much better.

[Insert Jay-z shaking someone's hands proudly as his woman walks on to present- how precious is that?]

Ellen & Beyonce: ELLEN. BEYONCE. ELLEN. BEYONCE. ELLEN. BEYONCE. presenting JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. Grammy's You Win. Perfection. Perfection.




Okay. But for real though, Justin Timberlake ft.. Jay-Z: Quoting another Justin, this Justin and Jay-z swagged, swagged on us. When Justin smiles, I Smile.In contest of performances, they just keep one-uping another. I think one cannot be beaten, then a phenomenon like JT's return occurs-excuse me while I swoon.

[Insert Frank Ocean winning his category because Frank Ocean wins at life]

[Insert Black Keys winning their category because Black Keys are magical].

Alicia Keys & Maroon Five with a blend of "Daylight" & "Girl on Fire": If there was a definition of a perfect love/hate moment, this would be it. Adam Levine is one of my main men [in my dreams] and if he were a parking ticket, he would have fine written all over him [jokester jokester]. I never thought my man could do me any wrong, but then he agreed to pair up Alicia Keys and allow her to sing this terrible song, which ruined his fantastic song. My man made an awful choice. THIS SONG IS LIKE AN AIR HORN BLOWING IN MY EAR. It literally sounds like a tone deaf person screaming fire at the top of their lungs... when Alicia Keys sings it. When Adam Levine sang "this girl is on fire", it was tolerable. Still- this performance was just a no in my books.

Rhianna: Finally, Rhianna looks normal. It is such a relief to see her not trying to over-do anything and just perform and look fabulous while doing it

The Black Keys & The Preservation Hall Jazz Band: Excuse me, while I jam out to such a great performance and pretend I am part of that standing ovation. 

[Insert my Sweet Hunter Hayes losing again to the band that sings that song about fried chicken]

Bruno Mars, Sting, Ziggy, Rhi-Rhi, & a tribute to Bob Marley: Bruno Mars takes me to paradise every time I watch one of his performances, as they should. As I have talked about before, his performances take effort. The accompanying band/dancers and their choreographed moves blow me out of the water every time I witness them. Plus add Sting to the performance and it throbs. Do I even have to say what the additional aspect of a paying tribute to Bob Marley with Ziggy & Rhi-Rhi adds [didn't think so]? I give this 2 thumbs up.

[Insert me living a lonely life of not being in person to witness the Lumineers perform superbly]

[Insert another splendid performance featuring Jack White]

Katie Perry's Dress: Okay, the melon color looks fantastic with her skin tone- but seriously,  no one is noticing that. Instead, they are just noticing her melons.

[Insert Fun winning again. No brainer right?]

Hunter Hayes: Swooning. Swooning. Swooning. Hunter Hayes [ if you are reading this], you can call me yours and hold my hand forever. I want you to make me feel wanted- you thinking I am kidding, but.....

Carrie Underwood's Dress: I am completely on the fence about this dress. It is trippy and kind of bizarre, but strangely mesmerizing.

[Insert Prince looking absolutely stunning. I can use stunning when talking about a man right?]

Record of the Year, Somebody that I used to Know, Goyte: I'll be real honest. This one took me by surprise. I love this song, but I definitely thought Frank Ocean would have this category in the bag.

 [Insert me bawling to the Memoriam section. Gets me every time. ]

[Forget more cowbell. Insert more Elton John here with a brilliant collaboration of artists.]

Frank Ocean: You are remarkable. Do not change a thing. Ever. Please & Thank you.

Album of the Year: This category was full of outstanding artists and I honestly can say that I would have been fine with any of them winning- the fact that Mumford and Sons took home the Grammy is just a plus.'

L.L. Cool J & some other people, but most importantly Travis Barker: I had no expectations out of this performance and so I have to say, I was pleasantly pleased- especially that it had Travis Barker. I do not care if you do not appreciate Blink 182, but I do. & L.L. Cool J is still pretty badass considering he is 45. 

The only thing that could have made the 55th Grammy's better would have been an appearance or two or three from Jennifer Lawrence because she makes every award show better. I know this blog was kind of long and completely unnecessary, but I am working on a few other new spiffy pieces that should be available soon for your viewing pleasure. Till then I'm....

Simply Shelby Sue

P.S. If you do not know any of the artists mentioned in this blog, look them up and have a listen. They are incredibly talented!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Me No Comprehendo

Some days I just wish I was Jimmy Neutron, so things all made sense because quite often I find myself in a quarrel of not understanding something. It has been this way since I was young. I was one of those kids that would ask 50 bajillion questions until you told me to shut up. It has gotten to the point to where I just bundle all my not-understanding frustration up inside... that is until now.

I tend to not understand things like...

  • Why don't single slices of cakes & pies sold in bakeries automatically come with spoons?
  • Why is there not a mall in K-vegas yet?
  • Why aren't Jennifer Lawrence & Rebel Wilson my best friends?
  • Why am I not dating Josh Hutcherson?
  • Better yet, why am I not dating Dylan O Brien?
  • Why am I not famous?
  • But really why?
  • Why do Professors purposely try to make your life miserable?
  • Why do people no understand the purpose of a breath mint?
  • Since when is being a teen and pregnant cool?
  • Why are people so rude to their servers at restaurants?
  • Why do cheeseburgers not make you skinny yet? 
  • Why are classrooms either unbearably hot or unbearably cold?
  • How did people never learn to sneeze into their elbow, not all over their hands?
  • Why does college not allow you to be exempt from a foreign language when you can barely speak English?
  • Why did they give Snooki & J-Wow a Spinoff [people only liked Vinny]?
  • How do the writers of Pretty Little Liars keep the story line straight?
  • Do the writers even know who A is?
  • Why does college not except your own form of Jibberish as a foreign language?
  • Why don't they serve single servings of pie filling?
  • Why have they not created a fast food Chinese restaurant yet?
  • Why do they have a Teen Mom 3, yet my best friend and & I do not have our own show?
  • Why are Cartoons not as good as they were in the 90's?
  • Why must movies continuously use the same plot?
  • Why was I not a prodigy of Abby Lee Miller & her dance studio?
But lately the number one thing at the tippity top of my list that I do not understand is....

The Bachelor

Is it written somewhere in girl code that if you do not like this show you are shunned? This show is like a really bad STD STI that will not go away. One might say that if you do not like The Bachelor, you need to re-think your life; I like living my live practicing safe television- get it? Another might say what is there to not love about a show with the main objective of finding someone true love? Well, if that truly was  the case, I might like it (might). It simply is not. It is about a guy, dating multiple woman at one time, hoping one of them turns out to be "fiance" material, then after the show ends he can leave her behind to go through another slew of woman. The only reason this show could be enjoyable is if you are watching, in turn to make fun of it or if it is paired with a drinking game [and hopefully by the end you would not remember watching the monstrosity].

These are the top things I do no understand about the Bachelor:

  • The Roses: Roses are supposed to be a symbol of romance, especially when in the color red. How is it romantical that I got the same rose that you gave to 10 other girls that you also are "romantically" involved with? If I was on the bachelor, I would suggest they hand out tubs of Ben & Jerry's. After each rose ceremony, you can go up to your bed and indulge over the fact that you beat a few more woman and still are not quite good enough to be number one quite yet. Except, the producers would never go for that because to be on the Bachelor one must not be average built- which brings me to my next topic.

  • The Dates: The woman on the Bachelor are reasons woman nation wide are suffering from a "skinny complex". This show is feeding into this idiotic society belief that all woman must strive to look like "Barbie". Barbie is proportionally impossible and no one can truly turn themselves to plastic, as hard as they try. The women on this show have probably never had a cookie in their lives. Do I want to be skinny? Sure. Do I want to give up never eating cookies again? No. I would prefer to look like cookie monster, perfectly happy with life, than counting calories to my death bed. It is not just the problem that they pick these type of women, yet the show labels them as "normal girls". This in turn makes men think they deserve a normal girl like that. THEY ARE NOT NORMAL. If this show wanted to win my viewing, they would have to cast everyday woman. Some everyday woman are skinny, but most are average. Most know what cellulite is and most do not look like a runway model in a bikini. 
  • The Woman's Mindset: I am a single lady and even when being single sucks, I would never want to put myself through the torture of going head to head with 24 other single ladies. The whole concept is hell. I do not understand why anyone in their right mind would agree to date a guy and in turn date so many other woman. Swapping spit is hygienically unsound enough, without adding the saliva of many more mouths in. Ew- that's dirty. Honestly, girls. Is it worth the slight chance or 15 minutes of fame to sell yourself short like that? Being as most of these woman are not average looking in the slightest way possible, they should have no problem walking down the street and getting a date. If the show actually had real woman, I might understand why they resorted to going on television in the hopes of finding someone to love them.

  • The appeal of the Bachelor, himself: Sure, he normally is incredibly good looking [in most girls opinions]. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in this case I do not mind. HE IS NOT REAL. Pick a guy that is like the average man for goodness sake. I know I fantasize and fan girl more than the average person, but I fan girl over people who have made it big off of talent and hard work. This guy literally applied to  be a show that allows him to hook up with multiple girls at one time. Any guy that would agree to this is a tool. I personally would rather not meet my future spouse on reality television, while I watched him get with girls then send them home one by one. This shows slogan should be "The Final One Night Stand".

So I might have just lost half of my blog viewing by disagreeing with girl code, but I just had to spill my guts and be honest. That is what makes me...

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Have a great idea that you think would make an excellent blog? Leave the idea in the comments section below and I will try my best to achieve a blog worthy of your excellent thoughts.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

....I got my Ticket for the long way round

I sometimes tend to occasionally obsess over things....

  • New Music (Well not new, but new in my playlists)
    • The Bonfire Band: I recommended checking out "Just the Way You Are" & "The Light of You".
    •  Melodica, Melody & Me: "Piece Me Back Together" is a lovely little tune to which most lads and lasses can relate.
    • The Shins: "Simple Song" is beautiful; I believe the lead singer wrote it about his wife. When you listen with that in mind, you can feel all his emotions, which is a lovely listening experience.
  • Tweeting My Thoughts:
    • I feel like everyone should know my thoughts and feelings. & for this reason, I have been obsessing with Tweeter since 2007. 
    • I just reached my 5,000th Tweet during my live tweeting of the People's Choice Awards. It was the following:  "Josh Hutcherson #swoooooooooon #peopleschoice"
  • Hairstyles: 
    •  Blonde Blonde Blonde- I recently have this obsession with dying my hair blonde. Not that it will look good by any means, but I just really want to do it. I really do not know why. I have dyed it blond before and those who know me personally, know it was an awful experience. Know what? Since I am feeling nice, I will show you how bad it was. Here is the story: I wanted bangs. I also wanted to be blonde. I go to the salon and tell them that I want blonde hair and bangs. This happened >>> That is right. I was given Hannah Montana Wig-Like hair, but it was not a wig at all. & now I am forever reminded of the last time I went blonde. People cannot imagine anything else because they think back to this. 
  • Making Weird Faces When Taking Pictures
    • I am not sure whether this is more of a habit than obsession, but I figured it still worthy of my list. I really like not being normal. In most pictures, you will find me making the most hideous face I possibly could. It is just how I roll.
  • Flannel
    • Enough said.
  • Criminal Minds (read the following as fast as you can)
    • I LOVE CRIME SCENE SHOWS, but especially this one. Matthew Gubler and his nerd talk make the show wonderful. PLUS HIS MOM IS PLAYED BY JANE LYNCH. I also really like how each member of the team is an individual- the old episodes are by far the best. I don't really like the new lady who replaced Prentis; she is kind of a terrible actress and extremely dry, with no depth. & Hodge still has it going on for an old man. ..... done obsessing, for now.
  • Candy
    • Did you know Starbursts makes boxes of "All Red" around Christmastime- yes, yes they do. & it is utterly fantastic and wonderful and I never will share my Starbursts again because I love all the flavors.

If you are not apart of my Twitter Universe, you obviously have no idea of my most recent obsession.

Pitch Perfect

I obsess over movies quite a lot. The Hunger Games. Twilight. Harry Potter. 500 Days of Summer. Batman. Waynes World. Elf. Disney Films in General. I just really like the world of film. and this film is my new favorite. My best frand & I rented it Christmas night to watch as we stuffed our faces in celebration of Jesus and Santa Claus. & since said time, I have watched it over 20 times. As you all should know by now, I have issues. This movie just makes you smile, giggle, it wrenches your heart, and then makes you smile once more. Plus did I mention it has Rebel Wilson in it? Obviously it wins.

Here is why the creators of Pitch Perfect got it right & created a triple threat:

They Scored it Perfectly

  •  The Musical Selections were right on target (in my opinion).
    • "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus - Being a Chick Flick, it needs some girly, over-played, but equally wonderful anthem. While a Britney song would have done wonders, Miley worked out quite well in my book. No one wants to admit they know every word to a song like this, but in all reality we know it like the Pledge of Allegiance.
    • "Cups (You're Gonna Miss Me) by Lulu & The Lampshades: This song was already in knowledge of music before, but this film made it known to others who lack a weird musical background. With Anna Kendrick being her badass self, this song paired well with the image she was portraying and Kendrick's voice. Mixing the two created a work of art for her audition to the Bellas. 
    • "I Saw the Sign" by Ace of Base: Remember that time when Stephanie Tanner, some unknown girl, Gia, and Kimmy Gibbler formed a band to play at Uncle Jesse's Club on Full House? It forever made me love this song. What was that bands name again? Girl Talk? 
    • "Bright Lights Bigger City/Magic" Mashup: Performed by the Trebles, this is already a fantastic number. The reason this song is fantastic though is because Benji finally gets to perform. & the fact that he sings "Magic" is punny because he is magician. Duh. Plus, the number also features Jesse & Donald, who are two swoon-worthy fellas. 
    • The Rift Off, "Songs about Sex": This is personally my favorite part of the movie because I found it incredibly clever. The groups compete at an abandoned pool, by singing songs relevant to a chosen category; they can steal from the other groups, if they join in on a correct word. If this really happens anywhere, I want to witness it. When the category "Songs about Sex" is chosen, fireworks are created. A mix of S&M, Let's talk about sex, I"ll make love to you, It feels like the first time, & No Diggity. All various genres, but blend together quite wonderfully. Plus, Anna Kendrick again displays how she is weird by joining in with No Diggity. When a movie shows a female rapping, it makes me happy because I caucasianally like to rap. 

They depicted College life (somewhat) Perfectly

  • Weird College Roommate Scenario (Benji & Jesse)
  • They have red cups at parties.
  • Creepy College Roommate that Doesn't Speak to You (Becca & Asian Girl)
  • They also play off the Asian Stereotype.
    • Always with other Asians.
    • Always playing weird technology
  • Frat Guys Rating Incoming Freshmen
    • When Becca is walking to her dorm, you see a quick glimpse of this. This legitimately happens.
  • The male acapella group thinking they are everything the world revovles around.
    • For some reason when a group of guys who can all sing get together, they think they rule the college campus.
    • They really do not though.
    • #RealityCheck
  • Weird Initiation Ceremonies. 
  •  Boone's Farm is mentioned.
Where They Failed:
    • Dorm rooms do not look like that- like ever.

They Created Unique Characters & Cast Them Perfectly:

  • Men Department
    •  Bumper
      • Played by Adam Devine.
        • Commonly known by his role of Adam in Workaholics.
      • He has the right amount of ignorance and comedic quailities.
      • He is obviously adorable.
    • Jesse: 
      • The creators of Pitch Perfect have created my ideal man. 
        • He has brown eyes- beautiful brown eyes.
        • He is obviously in shape, but isn't all gym obsessed.
        • He can sing and his voice will melt you into goo.
        • He is played by Skylar Astin, who is in appropriate age range to fan girl.
          • Skylar Astin was in Spring Awakening on Broadway (swoon).
        • He brings Becca (Anna Kendrick's character) a juice box.
        • He loves movies, especially the Breakfast Club.
        • He accepts his weird roommate, that likes magic and star wars.
        • He wants to score movies (he actually pays attention to the music in films).
      • Downside:
        • He is just a fictional character.
    • Benji
      • Precious.
      • Played by Benn Platt.
        • This is his only film.
      • He is the typical weird roommate.
      • He has a fantastic voice.
      • He likes Star Wars.
      • He also likes Magic.
      • He gets the Bellas into the finals.
    • Donald
      • Glasses.
      • He raps and beat-boxes.
      • He is played by Utkarsh Ambudkar.
        • He is almost 30 years old, which is kind of creepy.
        • He has a various background of smaller roles in films.
      • Did I mention the glasses?    
  • Woman Department
    • Becca
      • At the beginning of the film, she is one of those girls that hates the world. She does not want to be college and she wants to be finding her dreams.
      • She finds her way to the Bellas and realizes that college might not actually be a bad thing.
      • She creates kick-ass mix tapes.
      • She mixes old music, with new, creating a new twist on things.
      • She is played by Anna Kendrick.
        • Known for her role as Jessica in Twilight,  Natalie in Up in the Air, Katherine in 50/50, & a lot of other roles.
      • She revamps the Bellas & gets the cute guy.
        • She wins.
    •  Chloe
      • Token Ginger.
      • Overly confident of herself.
      • Gets Becca to audition for the Bellas.
      • Throughout the film, the viewers get to witness her trying to develop a backbone to stand up to Aubrey. 
      • She has nodes.
      • She is played by Brittany Snow.
        • You know she is in John Tucker Must Die, HairSpray,  & Prom Night?
        • She is kind of fantastic.
      • Her voice carries a lot of the vocal arragnements.
      • After she gets her nodes removed, she has the ability to sing like a man.
    •  Lilly
      • She is the weird Asian girl.
      • She gradually gets louder as the film progresses.
      • She is Played by Hannah Mae Lee.
      • She also develops the ability to beat box.
      • She quite possibly has funnier lines than Rebel Wilson, but you can barely hear them. Some I was I able to detect:
        • I once spent some time in County.
        • I ate my twin in the womb.
        • I set fires to feel joy.
      • All these things being said, the only way this would have been better cast was if one of my best friends Jen was cast instead.
    • Aubrey
      • Pukes when she is nervous.
      • Obsessive and controlling.
      • She is played by Anna Camp.
        • You might recognized her from The Help; she plays Jolene.
      • Eventually she has a nervous break down and becomes a normal person. In the final number by the Bellas, you can see her letting her hair down [ good play on things to whoever decided to add that element].
    • Fat Amy
      • She calls herself Fat Amy so twigs like you don't do it behind her back.
      • She can mermaid dance quite well.
      • She is the best horizontal runner I know.
      • She started her cardio today.
      • She is played by Rebel Wilson.
        • Only the greatest comedic actresses of our time.
        • You probably know her from Bridesmaids.
          • " I got a free tattoo. I could not believe it. The guy said, "do you want a tattoo?", opened up the side of his van...and said "it's for free!" So I said, "sure." It's a Mexican drinking worm. It's like a Native American symbol meaning wasted." 
      •  She gets to sing a solo in the Bella's Regional Performance. When it's her turn to perform, she changes the beat of the performance. By her exquisite dance moves and additional words added, she steals the show. She also ends the whole thing by ripping her shirt and flashing the audience her undershirt. 
      • She sometimes has the feeling to do crystal meth, & then is like mmmm, better not.
      • She should be another one of my best friends.
        • I'm completely serious.

& that is how Pitch Perfect, by my eyes, created a triple threat of fantastic-ness. 

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Sorry it has been a month since a new blog has been posted. I honestly, kind of completely, and unintentionally forgot to post. I suck at keeping my interweb fans happy.