Monday, July 8, 2013

I'm really good at the hiding part of Hide N Seek...

Lately, I have accidentally been hiding from the blogging world.

I promise it is not you nor me, well actually it is me. I am just really bad at consistently writing a lovely new blog for you each week. & I have come up with a solution for that, but that will have to wait just a second...

Since we have last spoken:

  •  I camped out in an Aquarium under Sharks & Sting-Rays.

  • I got to see Boys II Men, 98 Degrees, & New Kids on the Block. Childhood dream fulfilled? I think so. Honestly, it is one of the best concerts I have been to.Those men all still have swagger and they are old enough to be my father... they might even be older than my father.

  • My last blog had wonderful reception and I am incredibly gratified with the results of a little bit of honest spoken word. By revealing and admitting my insecurities, I helped many others who suffer with the same issues. A big thanks is also due for all the encouraging comments, words, and messages I have received from my lovely readers. You all are some amazing individuals.

  • Also, I turned 21- kind of a really big deal. On my day of celebration, I exceeded 21 shots without puking or feeling awful. I think this is another example of why I should have attended Hogwarts instead of Muggle school because sometimes I am magic.  

Now back to my blog announcement...


I suppose you could call it an announcement since this is a public form and I'm announcing something...



I know. Big Deal. Even bigger deal than turning 21. You may be thinking, why is this such a big announcement... Because it is consistency and that is something this blog lacks!

Prepare yourselves for a weekly dose of sass in form of my regular blogs and two new weekly segments:

  • "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays". Every Monday you can look forward to my weekly dose of Pop Culture advice, musical thoughts, and movie suggestions.

  • "Fan-Girl Friday". Since we all know I fan girl a lot, why not make a day a week specifically dedicated to it? Every Friday I'll post a new Crush, a  bit of about them, & then why I think they are so fantastic.

So this is what it feels like to be semi-harmonious...

Consistently Simply Shelby Sue

 P.S. Look Forward to the first "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays" segment coming up in a few. 


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