Monday, February 11, 2013

Promote Small Businesses & I will Love You Forever!

Unless you are hiding under a rock somewhere like Patrick Star, you are are probably aware of what is coming this Thursday....

Valentine's Day

(duh duh duh)

It is one of those love, hate, and unescapable holidays.

& now is time for my shameless plug promoting small business this holiday.

All you lads and lasses that have found yourself tied down will be adventuring for the perfect gifts for your sweetie, cutie pie, or beefcakes. Whether it is jewelry, chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, or perfume, you will be on the search for the business offering the best bang for your buck. By placing a monetary value on things, people forget the thought that goes into gifts and just run into Wal-mart or another corporate chain store because it was easy and saved you two whole dollars (that let's be honest, you will probably waste on some useless item that you do not need). Sure, you got some type of "bang" for your buck and your girl or guy may or may not like it- but at least you got them them something. Right?


That bang you required to save a bucks, shot down one ore more of the small businesses that create your town or city. These businesses are ran by people who are giving a service to your community, at their personal expense. Small business owners truly put their customer needs above the needs of themselves- especially in small town areas. Their hours are not set in stone and they cater to your needs0 whatever they may be. Being the child of a small town business, I can personally vouch at the toll it takes on a family's life. My family's life revolves around our small town flower shop [especially at Valentine's day]. From the seven day work weeks to receiving phone calls at all times of the night, my family eats, breathes, drinks, live, and dream about making your orders quality, unique, and one of a kind. This is not an exaggeration in the slightest either (which I know some of you may be thinking). Last night, I had a nightmare that I accidentally  put sugar in the vase of water, instead of floral life preserver- thus the flowers were delivered and died shortly, resulting in a quite devastated customer- I had never felt so ashamed. I highly doubt Wal-mart associates care if your flowers die- let alone have nightmares about it.

The fact of the matter is that when you support a local business, you are keeping your town alive. Imagine your town without that business, without the people running it, and think about how the town's dynamic would change. Not only is it important on holiday's to shop locally if possible, it is important year round.Corporations are here to stay, but that does not mean small businesses cannot be as well. By choosing a small business, you choose real people who prefer offering quality services. & when you chose something like that, you truly do get the most bang for your buck. 

Just a little something to think about....



P.s. My next blog will be back to the pop culture filled wonderfulness you love- but being as this is my personal blog, I like to occasionally post things that are relevant to my life.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. As I am reading your post, there is an add for 1800 Flowers....Oh the irony...! Support small business..not wire gatherers!


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