Sunday, November 18, 2012

...I just have a lot of emotions.

So I have this little problem...

I kind of have this false reality that one day I am going to be famous or a least be associated with famous people. Right now on twitter, I am followed by 7 verified accounts. That's 3% of my following- so in terms I feel like I am 3% famous. It is moments when I realize that I am 3% famous, that I get a bit of a big head and decided to tweet a bunch because I feel like people care about by obsessive thoughts.
& it just so happens that this realization normally comes around the time of Award Shows.
& tonight they were all amplified by the one. the only.

American Music Awards

I feel so emotionally connected to each award, each performance, each presentation. I hold on to each word said and think about how I could have written a better introductory statement or how  a certain celebrity should have hired a better stylist. Like I said, I have a lot of emotion.

What is the best way to explain my incredible emotions?
Why of course through my live tweeting...

The following are tweets that occurred from my emotions felt during the iconic awards show:


    When Kelly first sang the words "Miss Independent", I melted in happy feelings. No matter how much say "I don't like Kelly Clarkson", you all secretly do. Do not lie. You know when you were in middle school you belted "Breakaway" in the shower. & if you did not, I am really not sure what I think of you or if we could ever be friends.

  • Justin Bieber, pull yo pants up @MTV #AMAs #RealTalk & In other news, I'm not sure how I feel about JBiebs leather tank top; it's distracting me from the beautiful acoustics . #AMAs

    I had serious issues with Justin Bieber all night. First off, anybody that knows me knows that I have fan-girled over Justin Bieber before. The Jelena breakup was one of my many motivations to get back in shape. Those feelings aside,  the AMA's are an awards show; it is a time to look kind of classy. Who's ever idea it was to allow him to wear the pants that are a re-invention of the 90's slacker chic, needs to be fired. Hasn't he ever heard the song "pants on the ground, pants on the ground. looking like a fool with your pants on the ground"? ....Wear a suit or some tailored pants- at least to accept your award. Plus a leather wife beater tank top? That is not attractive. If Justin Bieber had his titles stripped away and dressed like he did tonight, he would just be the creepy punk that hits on you and your girlfriends at the mall. 

  • If Stevie Wonder doesn't make you smile, then you have no soul #AMAs
    Literally, I could not have hand picked a better person to pay tribute to Dick Clark. He literally loves what he does.  I had a sing a long all by myself in my living room. "You can feel all overrrrrrrr. You can feel alll overr people."You can tell his soul was made to make people feel the true beauty of music.
  •  I'm not sure how I feel about 5 males singing an entire chorus in that high of a pitch #AMAs #TheWanted

    I am surpised I have not gotten smack over this tweet from the fan girls of the twitter world. Not that I thought the performance was bad, it was just odd. First off, the boys all have a bit of resemblance to Ricky Martin. Second, they stood on raised platforms in recatanglular shapes; definitely Go Go dancer esque. Third, the chorus seriously sounds like 5 females. Not 5 males. In my opinion, that is not attractive. I like the verses of the songs because they sound like males if that makes up for my dislike of everything else.
  •  Crying inside because @maroon5 & my man @adamlevine didn't win artist of the year #AMAs

    I sometimes question whether Justin Bieber would win as many awards without his "Beliebers".
  • ....Umm be right back, obsessing over @Pink 's abdominal muscles #AMAs

    Words cannot even explain how beautiful this performance was; it literally will be one of my favorite performances of any award show to date. The talent displayed and emotions felt, all while giving an amazing vocal performance- I can't even fathom it all.  I encourage those who have not seen it, to immediately get on youtube and be amazed.
  • @taylorswift13 is looking super pretty tonight & makes me want to buy a gold dress even more #AMAs, @taylorswift13 starting off with my favorite single off her new album #ThisWillBeGood #AMAs & Did I mention how classy @taylorswift13 looks? #AMAs @MTVNews

    Can Taylor swift do no wrong? I mean literally she is fantastic. She is classy. Her stage production was lovely- at least I thought so. I am sucker for grand staircase scenes; I feel as if they just add that extra bit of classy to make a performance superb. & I'm still trying to figure out how her costume quick change went so smoothly.
  • I love when celebrities are genuinely excited for receiving an award. Luke Bryan you make me smile. #AMAs

    Did anybody else notice how precious Luke Bryan looked? By kissing his woman to "raising the roof" on stage, he literally had the emotions of a 5 year old winning a t-ball tournament. It is moments like these that make you realize that celebrities are humans, which is just lovely.

  • The Will Smith flashback might be my favorite part of the night #AMAs
    &  Just kidding- NSYC's flashback tops all of the flashbacks #ChildhoodMemories #AMAs

    Being it was the 40th anniversary, the AMA's had flashbacks of old performances all night. From Will Smith to Nsync, this little addition just added that extra zest needed for a great night. Some other notable featured flashbacks were Beyonce, The Osbourne's, and Whitney Houston. They made all the single ladies want to dance with somebody as they mourned the break up of Justin & Britney.   
  •  As Gangham style plays, I can only think of Zumba #AMAs & TOO LEGIT TO QUIT ...Night made #AMAs
    Combining Gangnam Style & Mc Hammer's "Too Legit to Quit" was the best decision MTV could have made to end the show. Except for the fact that it is now stuck in my head and I have to be at class at 8 am; and the fact that I am thinking of Zumba class and that is just exhausting.
& my most popular tweet of the night (MtvNews might have retweeted it, then might have followed me. It's fine. It's whatever. Big deal moment in the life of Shelby)....
  • I love how weird, laid-back, and wonderful @NoDoubt is #AMAs @MTVNews

    No Doubt literally had a jam session on stage. They did not focus on over-done costuming or special effects, they just did what they do best. I literally loved every minute of it and felt like I was just siting on an old couch in a garage listening to a few old friends. 

& that is all for tonight. I hope you enjoyed my point of view on my addiction to the pop culture filled events of Award Shows.

That's just apart of what makes me...

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. Apologies to all my twitter followers for my live tweeting. Sometimes I just cannot help but express my many emotions for pop cultural events. I have issues.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Slapping Myself Silly.

We all have a list.

You could have one, three, maybe hundreds in your archives.

Ruined songs.

I love music, if you cannot tell by the amount I blog about the wonderful cultural creation. It is an escape from reality or even better, a way to enhance reality. When I hear a song, it doesn't just go in one ear and out the other; it stays with me. I like to embrace each note, each phrase, each chorus. I cling to to the lryics and cuddle them like they are a new boyfriend. I find music more enjoyable when you are more than just acquaintances; I like to get nice and cozy with each rift.
Music is my long lost lover.

The only problem with music is its lack of monogamy.

I get so personal with music, that I get heavily offended when other people say they "love that song too". YOU DON'T LOVE THAT SONG LIKE I LOVE THAT SONG. I just do not appreciate that my long lost lover is constantly cheating on me with other women and men. Eventually I get over the anger and realize that it is kind of inevitable and kind of ridiculous. I then also realize that sometimes it's nice to relate with someone over a song; you find that common interest, which leads to other common interests, and form friendships and sometimes relationships.

Other times, this relation can ruin a song or artist forever.

If you think about it, when a bond begins with song- this song is thus associated with that person. That person could stay wonderful to infinity and beyond, but let's face it. People are people. People are always changing and molding themselves as they age. People lie. People cheat. People are emotionless. People are smelly. People are prettier than you are.  People can kind of suck. When people still live on their mothers milk (definition of sucking. the example used to explain the definition was "sucking pig"), it takes a song with some good memories, and adds other memories, that result in many bad memories. Because in the end, the bad always conquers the good so that is what we remember.

& so as an ode to the people songs I now hate,  here are my top 5 ruined songs and artists:
  1. TOP OFFENDER: "Keep on Loving You"- REO Speedwagon: When I was in high school, the cool thing in relationships was having a song. The most common relationship song of my high school years was "Thunder" by Boys like Girls. ...but not for me. I really was not one that favored this trend. I did not really understand the concept and still do not, unless it was like a movie montage moment- then as you all know, I am completely okay with it. Unfortunately for me, a guy I dated found out I really liked this song. He decided it was "our song". How do you just take a song and decided it's "ours"? It is not ours. REO Speedwagon has the copyright claims. Also, if anybody were to have claims to this song it would be Nicole and Chase from Drive Me Crazy- duh. Unfortunately for me, I cannot think of the romantic relations between Nicole and Chase as they found love in a hopeless place. The song is just a reminder of high school stupidity and I do not like being reminded of stupid things.
  2. "Cyclone" by some stupid artist: "She moves here body like a cyclone, makes me wanna do it all night long" ... Whoever this artist is, he is not a lyrical genius. Why would you want to do a cyclone? Cyclones are evil forces of nature. I am not sure I ever liked this song. It was whiny and just not my type of music. Unfortunately, other people absolutely adored it- a harlot in particular. This harlot was never a very nice lady. She kind of tormented me my entire time since moving to my current residence in the fifth grade. & at the end of the day, I just do not like songs that are associated with harlots or cyclones. I am kind of terrified of cyclones.
  3.  "Happy" by NeverShoutNever: This song I can still kind of listen to until I remember what it is associated with. Never make someone's ringtone a good song. End of story. This person and me had a falling out- this was their ringtone.  They do not make me happy, whether I know it or not ( a nice pun of the song lyrics for those of you that are not familiar with it).
  4. "Honkeytonk Badonkeydonk" by some country artist: No one will understand why this song is ruined for me, unless they were at our 8th grade dance. They hosted a dance contest, where you performed a routine you made and what not. One girl in particular performed a solo. I am still horrified and can still mimic some of the moves. Forever engraved in my memory. Oooo-whee Shut your mouth, slap your grandma. Again, a lyrical genius did not write this song either. Who in their right mind would slap their grandma?
  5. "All Star" by Smash Mouth: 8th grade just was not a good year for me and music. Somebody thought it was a good idea to host a middle school lip sync competition; I am pretty sure at the time I thought it was the greatest thing ever- like literally the greatest thing. It was a competition between "home rooms" and my class decided on this lovely gem. It is not like we lost or anything; we got third, but I definitely have no idea how. It's more the memory of what our routine was. It involved dribbling basketballs, pretending we had NBA swag, and then a choreographed routine with balls. I sucked at basketball, was awkward and swag-less, and at the time was a terrible at learning routines (also, no short person looks good in large shorts). I was also very nervous because at the time I wanted to impress the guy who would soon be my first boyfriend. He either was awkward and swagless too or felt bad for me. I am guessing it was the latter. Needless to say, I really hope no one has this videotaped.
Honorable Mention: "I love you always forever"-Donna Lewis. This song would have made the list, but luckily the amount of wonderful memories with this song out weighs the bad. All I picture now when I hear this song is my sisters and myself singing this in the car when were little; oh and that moment a few months ago with my sister and I where we kind of danced around a little bit in a Payless store because it was the radio- we are adults. Sometimes.

Until next time....

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. This is the final installment of the my muses blogs. Hope you enjoyed them- sorry this one came so late in the game;  just needed to figure out how to correctly approach the final muse.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I think I have discovered another reason why I cannot fall in love 

or simply find a guy that is date-able




Music makes me feel so many emotions- no boy has ever made me feel the way music has.

Music takes me into a world of dreams, heart break, true love, and pure ectasy.

& the reason this affects my dating is because I want a man that is musically inclined.

I could settle for a local townie, who can play the guitar, but I don't want that.

I want a man that will make me swoon.

From first glance to the first lyric, they need to move me.

They need to have me crawling underneath my skin.

So while this random flaw of my love is on my mind, here are the top 5 guys that I think are date-able in terms of music, lyrics, and their ability to make me swoon. I included pictures to make this post more exciting because who doesn't love pictures!

  1. Mackenize Bourg- He is officially the new Christofer Drew in my book. [For those of you that do not know me personally, Christofer Drew has been the love of my life since about sophomore year of high school. It is a big deal that he is being replaced]. Yeah- he is only 19 (Cougar Alert), but his voice is fantastic. He is full of talent and has such a beautiful soul. You can see Mackenzie on the The Voice (and you should vote for him so we can keep seeing him). Look up his track "Lost in Love" & I bet your bottoms that you will be lost in Mackenize (okay- that is really cheesy, but I'm leaving it).

Joshua Radin: He only influenced my twitter name for the majority of my tweeting career. "I'd Rather be With You" has been on a countless number of playlists throughout the years. It's a beautiful, simplistic song with so much heart. It is also sang by a beautiful man- yes man, he is 38 years old. In reality, he is too old for me to actually date, but in just terms of music- he's got it.

 Jason Mraz: His name is enough for explanation, but if you need more look up "Anything You Want". It must be the Live Earth Version from the album "Jason Mraz's Beautiful Mess: Live Earth" (2009). I love this song so much, but this whole album is beautiful. Give it a listen and allow your ears to soak in the beauty.

Nate Ruess: I know he kind of resembles a Who, but that is kind of attractive- what can I say I really like "The Grinch that Stole Christmas". He also just leads a great band called "Fun". I know I have ranted on how great they are before, but they really are wonderful. He has a voice similar to Freddie Mercury and I luh me some Freddie Mercury. Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Christofer Drew: Though he is completely tattooed and little too much into the green for me, his music will forever be in my favorites. Christofer Drew has taken me from awkward teenager through adulthood. We have grown up together considering he is only a year older than myself. I have his words with me forever on my side in beautiful ink.

So now that I have fan-girled more than your average 12 year old, I hope you see my dilemma. Silly as it may be, it is completely true.

Feel free to sing to me

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s. This blog is completely random and was sparked purely from sitting here wishing I could find a boy in po-dunk misery that would have musician swag, drink tea with me, and be all cool and stuff. And in the wise words of The Monkees..I'm just a Day Dream Believer....but I was never homecoming queen.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why I Love Today...

Today is the 310th day of the year.

There are only 55 days until people will be drunkenly celebrating the new year with whistles, party hats, and what not. That also means Christmas is on its way.

Did you know on this day in history...

These events happened:

  •  1528 – Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known European to set foot in Texas.
    • You remember that one guy we studied that one year in school? Yeah- him.
  •  1869 – In New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers College defeats Princeton University (then known as the College of New Jersey), 6-4, in the first official intercollegiate American football game.
    • Yeah sports! Yeah football! Yeah Tailgating!
  •  1935 – Parker Brothers acquires the forerunner patents for MONOPOLY from Elizabeth Magie.
    • This is when the fights between friends begin. No one finishes Monopoly happy. NO ONE.

These People were born:

  •  1946 – Sally Field, American actress, 
    • Mom in Steel Magnolia's (one of the greatest movies of all time). Played a women with 16 different personalities. She has more talent in her thumb than I do in my whole body.
  • 1955 – Maria Shriver, American journalist.
    •  Arnold Schwarzenegger's ex wife, she's won awards. She's really pretty.
  •  1988 – Emma Stone, American actress
    • Just one of the coolest people you will ever meet (who I hope one day I meet). If I could switch personalities/bodies/lives for one day with one person, it would be her.

Holiday's on today:

  • Finnish Swedish Heritage Day, a flag day (Finland)
  •  Green March (Morocco)
& most importantly
  • National Nachos Day

In just a few weeks...

  • I will be stuffing my face and it will be acceptable.
  • I get to watch the best parade of the year.
  • I get to go Christmas shopping.
  • Pumpkin pie.
  •  I will be able to to listen to Christmas music and have it be acceptable.
  • My "Elf" marathons will commence.
  • The old Christmas movies will be playing nonstop on television.
  • Did I mention Christmas music?

With so many reasons to love today & I'm still not done.


Today is election day.

& Today I voted in my first Presidential Election.

Some people might say "big whoop-e-dee-dee". And all I have to say to that is "psh-posh". It is a big deal. I have been waiting for this day for quite a few years.

I made a vow to myself Junior year of high school. A teacher of mine had some not so kind words in regards to my generation. A brief summary would sound something like "Your generation is at fault for the country's problems. Your generation is worthless. Your generation is the reason America is failing." Well as the rest of the students in my class that day know, I did not take this statement well. I vowed that day that once I was of age, I would vote. In every election, whether absentee or in person, I would vote.   

Since I turned 18, I have kept that vow and always voted. Always. Not just to say "suck it" to my old government teacher, but because I find it an important part of being American. Yes, my vote is merely one in a million, but it is mine. Not one person out there will have the exact opinions and ideas as me. Today I got to voice my thoughts, quietly and without judgements. & most importantly, today I got to vote for who runs our country. Being an American, this is a right and a privilege that many take for granted. I voted today for my women ancestors that were not allowed. I voted today for all the African Americans, both male and female, that could not voice their opinion. I voted today to ensure the progress of America and equality.

Social Media and Politics

Election day is also great because it provides a night full of entertainment

Grab some popcorn.
Pour yourself something to drink.
& let the games begin.

From Twitter to Facebook to Tumblr, everyone on election day has an opinion. Though they really should not mix, they will. Every one wants to share their views and by golly, let them. Those who pour gasoline on the fire, just show to their friends and and family they are political, are just silly. I cannot say I am not guilty of this. I got my taste of Facebook and politics after the first Presidential debate. By posting a simple status, I was bombarded seconds later by people with other opinions. Opinions, might I say, that were poorly worded and had no grounds of support. This, being an English major, lit the flame to my social media political fire. & I am ashamed to say, I got into a Facebook argument over politics. I am not even that political. Every election, I listen to the candidates platforms. I look at the pros and cons. At the end of the day, I go with my gut feeling. I vote based off of facts, mixed with good vibes- also a candidate that has great grammar does not hurt.

I think why I find politics and social media so entertaining is because I am from a small, rural town. People are less worried about their statements offending their friends and simply "tell it how it is". If you want a good drinking game, borrow my Facebook account for the night. Take a drink at every outlandish, non backed statement you come across. I really would not advise this though because you might not remember a thing.

At the end of the day, I do not care whether we agree or disagree. I just care whether you exercised your right to vote. 

& at the end of the day, I'm just...

Shelby Sue

P.S. Just because I wrote a political blog does not mean I welcome political comments. I really do not care if you voted Obama, Romney, Johnson, Regina George, or yourself. I just thinking voting is a big deal and you should vote.

I voted Pedro.

P.S. Sorry I suck and have lacked posting blogs. I'll try to get a new one up asap since you have had to go two whole weeks without my witty banter.