Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday Movie Night with Shelby Sue

Oh hi there.

I know it has been awhile and I hope you all have missed me as much as I have missed you. Your comments, kind words, and encouragement allow me to keep coming back and writing more.  A blog with more emotion is headed your way soon, but for now enjoy this quick hello and “I'm back” movie review.

An ideal Saturday to me is one spent staying in. 

Lucky for me, there is a winter weather advisory and I have been forced indoors due to lack of safety outside. Nothing like a good old storm warning to kick my butt into not only writing gear, but “movie night” gear as well. Lately, I have been so bogged down in work, social media because for some reason I let that dictate my life, and other life happenings that I have failed to remember the things I actually like to do. That is quite problematic and so as a “resolution” [since that is the craze this time of year] I am going to try to change that.

To work towards that change, I am spending my Saturday night with movies [obviously], reading material [Cosmo counts right?], and my handy dandy notebook [by notebook, I mean laptop. I just couldn't resist the urge to reference Blues Clues- a staple show of my childhood]. 


So sit back, relax, and read my thoughts on my night Saturday movie choice.


So I didn't chose this movie by rental or purchasing it, I just happened upon it while channel surfing. Lucky for me, I caught it right as it started which seems to be such a rarity.

The movie itself had a solid concept that could attract a wide array of audiences. I can see why it was produced and what its goals were. Focusing around a middle aged woman who works in college admission, the film would attract those in college, those who work for a university, and those who are middle aged. It had the bare bones to reach great potential and it reached that in some areas, but failed greatly in others. 

My main issues were lack of background on most characters, yet the need for that background to love the characters like the script intends. Not to mention, the whole story line is kind of unrealistic and bland. I was also really bothered by the fact that I wanted it to be funny and I don't think it was supposed to be be funny whatsoever. I found so much humor bursting at the seems in side gestures and side comments. So much in fact that I think if the script would had been rewritten and transformed into more of a romantic comedy that it would have been a hit. Those ramblings aside, here are my rants and raves about the film. 

Admission's Not So Hot Aspects that got me hot and bothered:

  • Tina Fey's character, Portia, lacks the depth needed to understand why she is the way she is. I would go further into this, but if I stated the issues I questioned, you would know half of the movie and  I really hate spoiling things. Basically the script failed to give a viewer the background one craves and I guarantee I am not the only viewer annoyed by this.
  • The side story of Ben- I think that was his name [probably not a good sign that I can't remember]. I am talking about the guy who is Tina Fey's long time “boyfriend” person thing. They kind of throw him in , try to make you hate him, then have him in the background story the rest of the film. Had this been done correctly, it would have been hilarious. It was done so poorly that you just did not give a care- which let's be real, most people do not get as emotionally involved into movies as I, but still. It really annoyed me.
  • How does one set up a qualified school where you go to a barn and get a high school degree? Why is this not an option for every body? Most importantly, how does this get one even in the ranks to be applying to Princeton?

Admission's Golden Ticket:

This film wins with its casting department: 

The movie stars Tina Fey- people love her. However, it won my thumbs up in this department by casting Paul Rudd and Lily Tomlin. Paul Rudd can show his dashing smile in my direction any time- I might be biased, but I have adored him since I first encountered him in Clueless. And as far as Lily Tomlin goes, how can you not love a movie with her in it? A personal favorite of mine starring the wonderful actress is I Heart Huckabees- quirky, bizarre, and absolutely fabulous. Give it a watch if you have the chance.

Lastly, Wallace Shawn makes an appearance in a minor role. Who is Wallace Shawn you might be asking? INCONCEIVABLE. If you do understand that reference and automatically know, we cannot be friends. Since I am a nice person and not everybody has seen The Princess Bride, my only other tip will be that he is the voice of Rex from the Toy Story films. SEE- HE IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.

Overall Thoughts

While I would not go out of my way to watch this movie again, I would not complain if I had to. If you happen to be channel surfing and stumble upon it like I, give it a try. While the film might not have been one that warrants another view, it did catch and keep my attention for almost two hours. That my dear friends is not an easy task.

Since I've never written a movie review like this on here, I have not established a rating system. I like my movies with popcorn, so we will rate on popcorn kernels because why not.... 

So [drum roll please], the movie Admission receives...

6 out of 10 popcorn kernels

It is enough for a small snack, but not quite enough to fill you up. It leaves you hankering for more.

Simply "Hankering" Shelby Sue

P.s. Really, who says hankering anymore? Do not judge me.

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