Monday, January 6, 2014

Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays

Ittttt's baccccccccccccck. 

At least for now. The whole being consistent thing is quiet boring, but I am trying to attempt it for you all. So sit up, ready your eyes, and get ready to read the music, movies, and moxie that have been buzzing around my head this week.

5 Tracks That Will Make You Sway and Swoon:

While some old and some new, here are some tracks that I am obsessed with and I really think you should be too.
  • "Take Off Your Shirt"- Bibio: This song can be paired however you like it. I find it best paired with headphones to hear all the beautiful components that make it such a wonderful listen. But if you choose to go headphone free, you will not be disappointed. Prepare yourself to be in a better mood instantaneously and have a strange notion to dance. Don't question it. Go with it.
  • "Crabbuckit"- Good Lovelies: This song makes me want a fedora and the ability to snap beautifully. Released in 2011, this song is actually one that I just added to my repertoire recently- I think it might be a cover of another band, but I don't care because it is so wonderful.  I don't know why I missed out on a song with such lovely vocals and beautiful music accompanying them. I can't find a YouTube link, but it is on Spotify. Look it up and  Enjoy it- I know you will. 

  • The Family Tree: The Branches - Radical Face: Okay, so this is not just a single- it is a whole album. Introduced to it by an old friend, I love the raw emotion that is found within this 12 song release. Above is just a sampling track, "We All Go the Same"- while somewhat depressing, you will get the feel of what all Radical Face brings to the table.
  • "Cherry on Top"- Oh Land: I just like this song- actually, I like this whole album as well. I don't feel like it needs much explanation.
  • "Boyfriend"- Best Coast: I just feel like this song embodies so many peoples thoughts. I just think it is quirky and a good listen. It is definitely better than J-Biebs "Boyfriend",  but you all can be the judge of that.

A Video That Will Please Your Eyes:

  • In case you missed it, I go to the best University in the Midwest. A few days ago, all of us awoke to an email from our President, with this video attached. Not only do we adore our president, Right this Minute and Huffington Post do as well.All I want to do now is ride a tricycle around the fountain, which I imagine half of our student population feels the same.

Moxie Moxie Moxie

  •  Marriage at a young age. I understand that this is a hot button topic lately and Thought Catalog has given a few point of views that have been rather interesting. This one and this one. The first is one that when I first read I felt empowered, but as I re-read it I was incredibly bothered. The second discusses the issues I felt so bothered by and I am extremely glad someone else said it- mainly so I don't really have to it. Today's world is all about being yourself, so if someone wants to be married, let them be married. If someone just wants to eat cake, let them eat cake. If someone wants to be married and eat cake, let them be married and have their freaking cake too. IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Just like me not wanting to be married anytime soon is not anyone's business, but my own. To each their own. My thoughts on this topic in a picture:

Simply Shelby Sue

P.s.Now I really want cake.

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