Monday, July 15, 2013

Moxie with Some Music & Movies & Stuff

Why Hello My Lovely Readers!

Due to a plethora of events this past week/weekend, FanGirl Friday has yet to begin and well, the other blogs I was working on failed to be posted. That being said... I am still bringing you your weekly dose of reviews of pop culture related things and an update on what has went on in the world of Shelby. 

& this week, I added pictures! Who doesn't love pictures!


Since We Last Spoke, Wrote, or Read:

  •  I participated in The Color Run [with a group of close friends]! It was my first 5k and I have to say, I loved it. Every second and minute! Though it proved how out of shape I truly am, bonding with friends while being doused in color was completely worth every minute.

  • I fed a Giraffe with my older sister (it only last like 5 seconds) and it was the best thing ever. 
  • I ate really good chocolate in the shape of a Chocolate frog. I have yet to visit Hogwarts, get my letter to Hogwarts, or ride the Hogwart's express, but luckily I have had the experience of eating this fine delicacy. Though I have to say I was a little disappointed when it didn't try to hop away or have a Dumbledore trading card. 

  • I also got to see a Knight in Shinning Armor. I felt like I was in an episode of Scooby Doo and I liked that feeling.... a lot.

Now that's enough about me and my life... .

Why Don't You Moxie On Over Here....

Prepare yourselves for some random facts, thoughts, and pop culture things that have been rattling ma mind. 
  •  The Royal Baby could be here by the end of the week and I am kind of excited. It feels sort of like Prince Charming  & Cinderella are having a kid. I hope Kate Middleton has her own pack of fury friends like Cinderella did- imagine Gus Gus & Jaq attempting to make the royal baby cute little onesies and stuff.... I honestly spend too much of my time pretending Disney movies are real. This is one instance of which you can judge me all you want. 

  • New T-Rex Discovery: I kind of really like Dinosaur facts... so here is a new one discovered recently. T-Rex's hunted for food and were not just scavengers. New fossil evidence in a duckbill showed that this fossil is of a duck bill who got away. I bet the T-Rex that hunted him sat sulking while Katy Perry's sappy love/pop song played in his head.

  • I am incredibly upset that I will not be apart of Comic Con again this year. This dream must come true eventually or I do not know what I will do with myself.
(prepare for an immediate switch of emotions)

 Movies Worthy of a View:

Here are 3 Off-Beat Films & My Opinions....
  •  Pirate Radio:

    Released in 2009 and first seen in 2012, I just added this movie to my collection today. Let's just say my collection is happy it has made its way home. If you research this movie, you will find mixed reviews. People either love it like I or found it falling flat. The plot itself is centered around a ship in the North Sea of Britain that is essentially a pirate radio. It unfolds through character connections and the governments goal to stop the illegal radio. Though some of it is raunchy,  the humor is there [for those who seek it] and it is just as much a good view, as a good listen; the musical score is enough for some just to give it a try. If I have not sold you, it stars Philip Seymour Hoffman. 

  •  50/50

It has been awhile since Joseph Gordon Levitt has been written about on my blog, so I felt the need to change that. I have noticed as I age, I cry more at movies and in this movie in particular, I bawled. Bawled like a little baby who just will not shut up. The story deals with Levitt's character facing the controversial and heart-breaking topic of Cancer. The film exposes what the disease can do to a person's live and how they can still live while fighting it. Seth Rogan is cast  as the best friend of Levitt and definitely lightens the mood of the film a little bit, while Anna Kendrick is cast as Levitt's therapist- and who isn't obsessed with Anna Kendrick?  No one- that's who.
  • Lars & The Real Girl: This might be one of Ryan Goslings finest performances.This movie debuted in 2007 before Ryan Gosling was a a popular pin on Pinterest for middle-age woman wishing their husband was the icon himself. It is definitely a quirky film that really doesn't go anywhere, but you really do not mind that it is what it is. You are somehow still left feeling complete at the end. Lars, who lives with his brother, tells him he has started an online relationship with a woman named Bianca and she is coming visit. When she arrives, the girl is not what the brother and his wife expect because Bianca is a blow up doll [correction from my mother: it was not a blow up doll. it was a life size doll]. I was trying not to completely give away what the actual purpose of the doll would be to a normal person other than Lars, but thanks to my mother you can infer further about Bianca's identity. 

These films are not new releases by any means, but I feel like throw back films are just as good as new. 

Music Makes The People 

Come Together- Yeahhh 

Here are some tunes that are cool by my terms...
  • Boombastic- Shaggy: I tend to listen to a nice flashback tracks radio to stir my creativity and this song is currently stirring my mind as I write to you all. Some of the lyrics are just so clever... Geee- Wheeze, Baby Please. Let me take you to an island of sweet cool breeze... Okay, well maybe it is not the most lyrically genius song ever created, but it rhymes a lot! Sometimes it is incredibly hard to rhyme. You have to admit you can somewhat sing a long and bob your head with the back beats. Just don't judge me- judging is not allowed unless I say so. 

  • Percussion Gun- White Rabbits:  This song is odd- I will warn you of that... But if you are up for an odd and quality listen, turn your music up and put this on. I feel like this song would work really well in a musical score of one of the quirky, indie movies I love so much. It also sounds like something that would play on an alternative college-run radio station. All those facts aside, the lead singer has an interesting voice with a nice timbre- at least it is nice to me.

  • If I Ever Feel Better- Phoenix: I love this song by Phoenix so much. It has a nice disco feel and contrary to popular belief, Disco never died. I saw KC & The Sunshine band perform last summer and I thought it was fantastic. Back to the point of this bullet, this song puts a happy spin on a broken heart. It describes the many feels as a relationship crumbles, but adds a optimistic turn. Yes- you may feel crappy at the time being, but  "you can gimme your number, when it's all over I'll let you know." Thus meaning, do not put your life on complete hold because you are in broken-hearted misery or any misery nonetheless. One day, you will feel better and be able to move on.

  • Shake It Fast- Mystikal: Another flashback track has been in my head lately. I honestly cannot sing along with this at all- except for the chorus. The chorus is actually kind of creepy because it goes from the weird raspy yelling, to a creepy r&b style rift. In the classic words, Shake it fast, watch yoself because some creepy guy may serenade you as you show what you are workin with. 

  •  Austere- Joy Formidable: I just really like this song... a lot. Take that advice and listen if you want.

 For trying to follow a some-what format style, this blog post is still incredibly random. I would say I am sorry, but I am not sorry in the least bit.

Simply Random as Hell Shelby Sue

P.s. Look for a new blog with more depth sometime this week. Not tonight though. Tonight is Teen Wolf time. You cannot expect me to interrupt Teen Wolf time.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays

5 Songs That Are Making My Ears Go Wild This Week:

  • Hate it or Love it- The Game, 50 Cent: This song came on my Spotify radio the other day and I forgot how fantastic it is. Know what would make it better? A mash-up between it & "Thrift Shop". If you listen to the back beats, the two songs would make a wonderful club remix. If I had any DJ'ing talent in me, I would make it myself- but since I don't, SOMEBODY DO IT FOR ME. Please & Thank you. 

  • The Gardner- The Tallest Man on Earth: The arrangement to this song is so pretty, it really doesn't need words. The words just add even more depth to this beautiful tune. The singers raspy voice makes it an instant classic for anybody who enjoys indie/folk music.

  •  Rose Tint- Lulu & the Lampshades: I love Lulu & the Lampshades, even though they only have a handful of songs. Most of you know their song, "Cups" by now due to its instant fame in Pitch Perfect as it was performed by Anna Kendrick. This song is the same genre as "Cups" but tells a story of which a lot of people can relate.

  • Drop- Rich Boy: I honestly don't listen to rap or hip-hop much at all, so the fact that there are two songs of this genre on this list is just mind blowing. This song has a lot of foul language, which normally bugs me, but for some reason I really enjoy working out to this song.  

  • Holiday- Vampire Weekend: It is Vampire Weekend- so with that being said, I really don't need to say anything else. I will though because some of you might not know the fantasticness that is this band. You cannot be angry while listening to this song- I think it is impossible. No. It is impossible. Its bright cheerful tune is definitely a pick-me up- especially perfect if you have the Monday blues.

Movies That Entertain [well, at least they entertain me]:

  • Keith: I don't know why I like this movie because the acting really is not anything special. It is probably the fact that Jesse McCartney is the leading man and any girl my age has fan-girled him at some point in their lives. The storyline is awkward, yet emotional and Keith's whole concept of "bowling" is something semi-comedic and admirable. If you cry in movies, this one could be a tear-jerker due to a plot-twist that you can see coming a mile away. Even with all its flaws, it is one of those movies you can't help but kind of like. 

  • Pretty in Pink: This movie is one of my go-to 80's films. If you have not seen it, you clearly are not watching movies correctly. It is not quite as quote-able as Molly Ringwald's other films, Sixteen Candles or The Breakfast Club, but it is still one of those staple movies. All of the best moments include my favorite character of the film,  Duckie, Andie's [Molly Ringwald's character] best friend. I guarantee most of you will lean towards him as your favorite too. It might help if I tell you that Duckie is played by Jon Cryer who plays Alan in that little show called Two & a Half Men. But as Duckie says, "I'm Off like a Dirty Shirt."

  • She's The Man: You have MTV's #GirlsDayIn to thank for this suggestion. I forgot how horribly bad, yet wonderful this film is to watch. With a mix of actors who are in a bunch of other films... Amanda Crew, plays the dumb best friend Kia; you can also see her as Tess in Charlie St. Cloud [another horribly wonderful film]. Channing Tatum... gorgeous to look at and actually shines in a more comedic role. I find one of his best performances is in 21st Jumpstreet, versus Magic Mike [which was awful, I'm sorry. God awful] and The Vow [just no]. David Cross is the quirky principal who you can see being the mean guy who kidnaps the chipmunks in Alvin & the Chipmunks. & the leading lady is Amanda Bynes, who is on the headline of every pop cultured centered website these days with her wonderful antics. This film is just one of those that you can quote word for word and is perfect for a lazy movie day. 

  • Moonrise Kingdom: I think I am really biased when it comes to this film because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. Everything about it. I just find it fantastic. Though, I know, a lot of people did not receive it as well as I. With that being said, I am still recommending it because it is my blog and I do what I want. If you like quirky, weird, and independent films, give this one a try. It follows two young people as they runaway together in a hurricane. It also has Bill Murray & Bruce Willis- which honestly you can't go wrong with. If you don't trust my judgement, it has a 7.8 out of 10 on IMDB. 

  • Dirty Girl: If you are not one for foul language or the occasional promiscuity, this film might not be one for you. But if you can handle those things, I highly recommend you give this film a try because it is honestly fantastic. It tells the story of a "dirty girl" Danielle who gets paired with a not so ideal partner, Clarke, to raise a flour sack child in special education class. Still with me? Danielle runs away to find her father and Clarke accompanies her because his parents don't approve of his sexuality. The movie follows the journey of their road trip and developing friendship. It also ends with a fantastic talent show scene; I have never seen a bad movie that ends in a talent show scene.

 Moxie Madness, A Place For My Rants, Raves, & Miscellaneous thoughts:

  • Rants:
    • People bashing the President. We are allowed our thoughts and opinions, but is it not apart of proper manners and etiquette to treat authority figures with at least respect?  I honestly don't agree with bashing anyone in general, but especially someone who runs our country. I just find it rude. Politics aside,  a little respect goes a long way.

    • My college town City Council decided to vote against an Ordinance that would protect against discrimination against gays and transgenders. Not only does this piss me off [because equality is an important thing], but another matter makes me even more angry. This decision resulted in a respectable Professor at my college resigning from his position on the board and our local news station covering the story. Some of the comments from ignorant people, after this man stood up for his beliefs, are just disgusting. Just because you don't agree with people's life choices, doesn't mean you can stop people from living their lives; and it sure doesn't give us the right to prevent them from doing so. If you would like to read the news article, here is the link. Again, this is another situation where people are rude and I just really don't like rude. 

  •  Miscellaneous Thoughts Recap:

    • I really wish that every time someone was rude, Stephanie Tanner would pop up in their room and yell "How Rude." I think it could be an effective form of telling rude people like it is.

    • We all should watch "A League of Their Own", join hands in a circle, & sing "We're all for one, we're one for all, We're All American", then we could bake a cake full of rainbows and butterflies. 

    •  Barbie is not a suitable role model considering no one looks like that.

    • I still can't believe Rebecca Black can sing.

& that is the end of my first "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays". I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to being a more uniform blogger, but I will try to get acquainted for you all. That is just because...

I'm Simply Shelby Sue

P.S. I know my opinions aren't the law of the land. Take everything I say with a grain of salt and never be offended if I, nor someone else, thinks differently than yourself. That is the lovely thing about opinions- we all can have one and they can all be unique.

I'm really good at the hiding part of Hide N Seek...

Lately, I have accidentally been hiding from the blogging world.

I promise it is not you nor me, well actually it is me. I am just really bad at consistently writing a lovely new blog for you each week. & I have come up with a solution for that, but that will have to wait just a second...

Since we have last spoken:

  •  I camped out in an Aquarium under Sharks & Sting-Rays.

  • I got to see Boys II Men, 98 Degrees, & New Kids on the Block. Childhood dream fulfilled? I think so. Honestly, it is one of the best concerts I have been to.Those men all still have swagger and they are old enough to be my father... they might even be older than my father.

  • My last blog had wonderful reception and I am incredibly gratified with the results of a little bit of honest spoken word. By revealing and admitting my insecurities, I helped many others who suffer with the same issues. A big thanks is also due for all the encouraging comments, words, and messages I have received from my lovely readers. You all are some amazing individuals.

  • Also, I turned 21- kind of a really big deal. On my day of celebration, I exceeded 21 shots without puking or feeling awful. I think this is another example of why I should have attended Hogwarts instead of Muggle school because sometimes I am magic.  

Now back to my blog announcement...


I suppose you could call it an announcement since this is a public form and I'm announcing something...



I know. Big Deal. Even bigger deal than turning 21. You may be thinking, why is this such a big announcement... Because it is consistency and that is something this blog lacks!

Prepare yourselves for a weekly dose of sass in form of my regular blogs and two new weekly segments:

  • "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays". Every Monday you can look forward to my weekly dose of Pop Culture advice, musical thoughts, and movie suggestions.

  • "Fan-Girl Friday". Since we all know I fan girl a lot, why not make a day a week specifically dedicated to it? Every Friday I'll post a new Crush, a  bit of about them, & then why I think they are so fantastic.

So this is what it feels like to be semi-harmonious...

Consistently Simply Shelby Sue

 P.S. Look Forward to the first "Music, Movies, & Moxie Mondays" segment coming up in a few.