Monday, February 11, 2013

Promote Small Businesses & I will Love You Forever!

Unless you are hiding under a rock somewhere like Patrick Star, you are are probably aware of what is coming this Thursday....

Valentine's Day

(duh duh duh)

It is one of those love, hate, and unescapable holidays.

& now is time for my shameless plug promoting small business this holiday.

All you lads and lasses that have found yourself tied down will be adventuring for the perfect gifts for your sweetie, cutie pie, or beefcakes. Whether it is jewelry, chocolates, stuffed animals, flowers, or perfume, you will be on the search for the business offering the best bang for your buck. By placing a monetary value on things, people forget the thought that goes into gifts and just run into Wal-mart or another corporate chain store because it was easy and saved you two whole dollars (that let's be honest, you will probably waste on some useless item that you do not need). Sure, you got some type of "bang" for your buck and your girl or guy may or may not like it- but at least you got them them something. Right?


That bang you required to save a bucks, shot down one ore more of the small businesses that create your town or city. These businesses are ran by people who are giving a service to your community, at their personal expense. Small business owners truly put their customer needs above the needs of themselves- especially in small town areas. Their hours are not set in stone and they cater to your needs0 whatever they may be. Being the child of a small town business, I can personally vouch at the toll it takes on a family's life. My family's life revolves around our small town flower shop [especially at Valentine's day]. From the seven day work weeks to receiving phone calls at all times of the night, my family eats, breathes, drinks, live, and dream about making your orders quality, unique, and one of a kind. This is not an exaggeration in the slightest either (which I know some of you may be thinking). Last night, I had a nightmare that I accidentally  put sugar in the vase of water, instead of floral life preserver- thus the flowers were delivered and died shortly, resulting in a quite devastated customer- I had never felt so ashamed. I highly doubt Wal-mart associates care if your flowers die- let alone have nightmares about it.

The fact of the matter is that when you support a local business, you are keeping your town alive. Imagine your town without that business, without the people running it, and think about how the town's dynamic would change. Not only is it important on holiday's to shop locally if possible, it is important year round.Corporations are here to stay, but that does not mean small businesses cannot be as well. By choosing a small business, you choose real people who prefer offering quality services. & when you chose something like that, you truly do get the most bang for your buck. 

Just a little something to think about....



P.s. My next blog will be back to the pop culture filled wonderfulness you love- but being as this is my personal blog, I like to occasionally post things that are relevant to my life.  Enjoy!

55 Years of Tunes.

Don't act like you did not know this was coming....


It is time again to share my love of pop culture events and award shows with my blogging followers.
Plus, who doesn't love the Grammy's? I find it one of the most enjoyable award shows because the performances and fashions are always one for surprises.  & since I do what I want, I did a play by play with the things I thought were most important for you to know.

Prepare yourselfs.... This could be a bumpppy ride. 

My Completely Random & Honest thoughts on the Grammy's:

T-Swift's Opening, "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together": Though there was a lot going out, I loved it (I may be impartial because for some reason I really love circus themed performances and I love T-Swift). She looks fabulous and if I woke up with her legs tomorrow, I would be completely fine with life. Plus, I give her huge props for singing live and it sounding wonderful!

L.L. Cool J's Hosting Open: I like funny openings- this was not a funny opening. It was attempting at being heart warming. I say attempting because I just could not take him seriously with his bow tie and paper boy hat. Am I the only one that thought he raided the closet of an extremely large 2 year old?

Ed Sheeran & Elton John, "A-Team": ED AND ELTON. Simple. Acoustically beautiful.. How could you not love it?  

 J-Lo's Dress: I am sorry, but a dress that slits and cuts at the top of the thigh/hip region is not attractive. I do not understand how this is "sexy" or "attractive". This dress is like a toga mixed with a loin cloth.

Adele's Dress: Classy. Fun. Fantastic.

Fun."Carry On" : I'm sorry, but Fun is one of the greatest bands performing currently- whether you like it or not [you must agree]. They performed my favorite song off their newest album, "Some Nights" and it was beautiful. I need better adjectives for the rest of this blog because I seem to be using beautiful way more than I probably should be- but this performance deserves the use. The set was beautiful. Nate Reuss is beautiful. The rain on the set was beautiful. Nate Reuss in the rain is beautiful.

John Mayer's Blue Suede Suit: I'm not really sure if it was suede, but you see what I did there? Even though he might be a [insert choice word about a scummy individual] sometimes, he cleans up quite nice.

Miranda Lambert & Dierks Bentley "Over You" & Some Other Country Song: Is it bad that I live in a small town and had no idea what Dierks Bentley looked like? Is he a ginger or is it just the lighting? The set of their performance was fitting and incorporated the edge of a Grammy's worthy performance with a typical country performance. Not saying country is not edgy, but from my perspective, country musicians tend to favor simplistic sets- but this one. I really like this one.

Wiz & Miguel: Oh Boy [referencing Wiz's hat of choice]. I love how the Grammy's jumps from one genre to another and keeps things interesting. Wiz Khalifa is just kind marvelous and this Miguel guy has an incredible voice.

Song of the Year: Feel free to read my thoughts about Fun up above and if you still do not agree, they won Song of the Year- so suck it. Thank goodness it did not go to Call Me Maybe- if it had, the world would be a very sad place and full of people with questionable choices and no soul.

[insert Johnny Depp introducing Mumford & Sons here, which was absolutely sublime]

Mumford and Sons "I Will Wait": This is another band that will be in the record books. It is made up of some incredibly talented musicians. THEY HAVE BANJOS FOR HEAVENS SAKES. I would also like to point out that Taylor Swift sang along to this performance making it just that much better.

[Insert Jay-z shaking someone's hands proudly as his woman walks on to present- how precious is that?]

Ellen & Beyonce: ELLEN. BEYONCE. ELLEN. BEYONCE. ELLEN. BEYONCE. presenting JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE. Grammy's You Win. Perfection. Perfection.




Okay. But for real though, Justin Timberlake ft.. Jay-Z: Quoting another Justin, this Justin and Jay-z swagged, swagged on us. When Justin smiles, I Smile.In contest of performances, they just keep one-uping another. I think one cannot be beaten, then a phenomenon like JT's return occurs-excuse me while I swoon.

[Insert Frank Ocean winning his category because Frank Ocean wins at life]

[Insert Black Keys winning their category because Black Keys are magical].

Alicia Keys & Maroon Five with a blend of "Daylight" & "Girl on Fire": If there was a definition of a perfect love/hate moment, this would be it. Adam Levine is one of my main men [in my dreams] and if he were a parking ticket, he would have fine written all over him [jokester jokester]. I never thought my man could do me any wrong, but then he agreed to pair up Alicia Keys and allow her to sing this terrible song, which ruined his fantastic song. My man made an awful choice. THIS SONG IS LIKE AN AIR HORN BLOWING IN MY EAR. It literally sounds like a tone deaf person screaming fire at the top of their lungs... when Alicia Keys sings it. When Adam Levine sang "this girl is on fire", it was tolerable. Still- this performance was just a no in my books.

Rhianna: Finally, Rhianna looks normal. It is such a relief to see her not trying to over-do anything and just perform and look fabulous while doing it

The Black Keys & The Preservation Hall Jazz Band: Excuse me, while I jam out to such a great performance and pretend I am part of that standing ovation. 

[Insert my Sweet Hunter Hayes losing again to the band that sings that song about fried chicken]

Bruno Mars, Sting, Ziggy, Rhi-Rhi, & a tribute to Bob Marley: Bruno Mars takes me to paradise every time I watch one of his performances, as they should. As I have talked about before, his performances take effort. The accompanying band/dancers and their choreographed moves blow me out of the water every time I witness them. Plus add Sting to the performance and it throbs. Do I even have to say what the additional aspect of a paying tribute to Bob Marley with Ziggy & Rhi-Rhi adds [didn't think so]? I give this 2 thumbs up.

[Insert me living a lonely life of not being in person to witness the Lumineers perform superbly]

[Insert another splendid performance featuring Jack White]

Katie Perry's Dress: Okay, the melon color looks fantastic with her skin tone- but seriously,  no one is noticing that. Instead, they are just noticing her melons.

[Insert Fun winning again. No brainer right?]

Hunter Hayes: Swooning. Swooning. Swooning. Hunter Hayes [ if you are reading this], you can call me yours and hold my hand forever. I want you to make me feel wanted- you thinking I am kidding, but.....

Carrie Underwood's Dress: I am completely on the fence about this dress. It is trippy and kind of bizarre, but strangely mesmerizing.

[Insert Prince looking absolutely stunning. I can use stunning when talking about a man right?]

Record of the Year, Somebody that I used to Know, Goyte: I'll be real honest. This one took me by surprise. I love this song, but I definitely thought Frank Ocean would have this category in the bag.

 [Insert me bawling to the Memoriam section. Gets me every time. ]

[Forget more cowbell. Insert more Elton John here with a brilliant collaboration of artists.]

Frank Ocean: You are remarkable. Do not change a thing. Ever. Please & Thank you.

Album of the Year: This category was full of outstanding artists and I honestly can say that I would have been fine with any of them winning- the fact that Mumford and Sons took home the Grammy is just a plus.'

L.L. Cool J & some other people, but most importantly Travis Barker: I had no expectations out of this performance and so I have to say, I was pleasantly pleased- especially that it had Travis Barker. I do not care if you do not appreciate Blink 182, but I do. & L.L. Cool J is still pretty badass considering he is 45. 

The only thing that could have made the 55th Grammy's better would have been an appearance or two or three from Jennifer Lawrence because she makes every award show better. I know this blog was kind of long and completely unnecessary, but I am working on a few other new spiffy pieces that should be available soon for your viewing pleasure. Till then I'm....

Simply Shelby Sue

P.S. If you do not know any of the artists mentioned in this blog, look them up and have a listen. They are incredibly talented!