Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So Sing to Me This Meloddddy

(also Meloddddy is written as such because it's a song. I'm singing and I felt like writing it that way. )

Anyone who knows me, knows that I like movies and television a lot. 


Maybe just a little too much. I get connected to the characters and make their problems my own. When they cry, I cry. If they are going through a hard time, I just want to bring them Ben N Jerry's and make it all better. Personally, the best part of any television show besides everything about it, is the musical score. The right pairing of a song and scene can create the ultimate movie moment, which could possibly be one of the many reasons I am obsessed with Glee. Music pairing is also particularly important in movie montages. 

Montages are technically defined as sequence of overlapping film clips: a motion-picture sequence consisting of a series of dissolves, superimpositions, or cuts used to condense time or to suggest memories or hallucinations.
 While searching on urban dictionary for more common definitions, I came upon many random definitions that I felt necessary sharing.
  • Tender Moment: A scene in a television show, movie, or other form of televised media usually denotd by a soft, down-tempo, piano solo. Could range from lovers reuniting, to the loss of a loved one, to a life-lesson being taught. Intent is to either teach a lesson or invoke an emotion.
    • My thoughts after I read this: "Soft like Snuggle"
  • Pormo: Promotional pornography; a short montage of many porn scenes edited together to promote porn feature films for sale.
    •  My thoughts after I read this: (So Punny).
  • Montage: A very overpriced fascist hotel in Laguna Beach. Rooms start at over $700 a night so you can "rub elbows" with the rich and famous. They constantly run "education classes" for their employees so that they become part of the "Montage Culture" which is very reminiscent of Nazi Germany. They also lie and get rid of undesirables that no longer fit their employee image. Generally you are told you are blessed to work there and if you don't volunteer for one of their charities you are marked for expulsion. It's like a very dysfunctional family - pretty on the outside but rotten to the core.
    • My thoughts after I read this: This person is a very disgruntled ex-employee; nonetheless, I found this very entertaining.

  • Sextage:  a series of brief depictions of sexual intercourse set to a jaunty 80s tune.
    • My thoughts after I read this: I love the usage of "jaunty".

All this talk of montages, has gotten me thinking about my favorite movies and televisions shows. & how they wouldn't be the same without music.

  • Lizzie McGuire "Aaron's Coming to Town" : Lizzie gets to meet Aaron Carter. Not only meet Aaron Carter, but KISS AARON CARTER. At the time this episode premiered, most every girl my age was completely envious of Hillary Duff's lip smack with the golden boy. I used to think the styling and everything for this music video scene was great. I really liked the shiny metallic pants - they might have been my favorite part.

  •  The Sweetest Thing "Dressing Room Scene": I love this movie. I know it has a lot of dirty jokes, but there is something about a Cameron Diaz movie that I can't help, but love. If I could be Cameron Diaz, I would. This scene in particular also features Christina Applegate, who is pretty fantastic. I have always thought of this scene as one I really want to re-create. It's fun. It's awesome. It makes trying on clothes fun and not stressful.
    • Honorable Mention: Hillary Duff, "A Cinderalla Story: Costume Shop": Equally as fabulous.

  • The Breakfast Club "Dance Scene": First of all, the Breakfast Club is a quality movie. I love a lot of 80's films and this one is definitely on a list that I wish I could have been in. It made detention seem fun. I also liked the whole play of sociocultural norms and how when pulled apart from their normal habitat, different cliques can intermingle and make relationships. My thoughts aside, the infamous dance break is an excellent example of a quality movie montage. Who hasn't wanted to attempt dancing on a railing after viewing this film?


  • 500 Days of Summer "You Make my Dreams Come True": For all my faithful readers, you knew this one was coming. I can't mention movie montages and not mention my favorite actor in one of my favorite movies. With his school boy smile, Joe dances along to some Hall & Oates after his night with Summer. Happy people join and dance with him. There is a cartoon bird. It's perfect and adorable. J-Levitt never fails to make me swoon.
  • Girls Just Wanna Have Fun "Invitations Scene": First of all, it features the titled song by Cyndi Lauper. This is the moment when Janey (Sarah Jessica Parker's character) decides to fight back to her evil nemesis. The three friends run around, with happy smiles as they hand out invitations to stereotypically weird people. It's great.

I could continue on with more wonderful movie montage scenes, but it was hard enough for me to decide on 5; plus I don't have that extra amount of time.Long story short, I am completely envious of all the above actors/actresses in scenes such as the above because they at least got to semi experience what it's like to have music playing as you achieve greatness.

The following are movie montages that I have created in my mind that would make life moments better:

  •  For those high school moments when you think that your boyfriend or crush has a new love interest. I picture this song by Kate Nash playing as you creepily witness moments between your boy and the new girl who has bewitched him.

  • That moment when you decide what type of junk food you are going to cheat on your diet with. Imagine some sweet One Direction boys singing this to you. Roll in delight with the fattening delicacy of your choice. Go on. Roll in delight.
  • You know that whole love at first sight business? I secretly picture meeting the guy of my dreams at a Zoo or something (I really like fluffy animals). He has searched the whole zoo, but then remembers my favorite animal. He finds me in a sea of crowded people, then sees me for the first time, but I don't see him. Suddenly, "She's So High" begins to play. I want him to think I'm the absolute most wonderful thing that has ever happened to it. Narcissistic? Nah. Wishful thinking? Yes.

  •  The ultimate going out scene. You and your friends doing your hair, makeup, typical girly things. The hundreds of outfits being tried on and off. Giggles. Laughter. I feel like a montage like this is necessary in any females life at some point. The  song to accompany it? There are many that could fit this situation, but in mine I have to go with the Veronicas.

Needless to say...

Before I die, I want a movie montage. 


P.s.  I didn't realize I hadn't posted a blog in so long. Forgive me! :))